
Summer Vacation

Summer Training Camp


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Summer training camp for my school kendo club is over!

Demanding practices, peeling skin, everlasting muscle pain, the difficult relationships between senpai and kohai, unreasonable amounts of food, and my oiwai geiko...Every time I went through summer training, I told myself I'd never go again, but in the end, I attended all three years. ^^.
This experience that I went through with my classmates and kohai will be a lifelong memory.


After the last day of practice before summer training camp, ^^ senpai treated me to noodles, and I was stuffed. (o^∀^o)


On the second day of summer training camp, I was already covered in wounds. Suffering from peeling skin on my hands and feet and muscle pain all over my body, I lost my appetite. (T_T)

Ryota         Author:Ryota

I am Ryota. I enjoy college life every day.
Date of birth: 29th January, 1995
Zodiac sign: Aquarius
Blood type: AB
What I like: Japanese fencing, sweets, conversation, taking photos

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