"Ko So A Do Gurun," a community activity support center in Yokohama
Author:Yoko Nishimura-Parke
Topic/Goals:Connection、School Life、Social Environment、Take Action
Students learn about “Ko So A Do Gurun”, a place where disabled children gather, and think of the importance of places like this for the local community. The article mentions “the happiness of doing something for someone”. Students will share their own experiences of this type of happiness in class.
Objectives | • Learn about “Ko So A Do Gurun” and its activities. |
Target | Senior high school level or higher |
Japanese Level | Advanced |
What to prepare
1. Questions to help students' comprehension
a) Where is Ms. Tanaka from?
b) What surprised Ms. Tanaka?
c) What did Ms. Tanaka do in response to the surprise?
d) Whose and what kind of wishes created "Ko So A Do Gurun" ?
e) Explain the purpose (aim) of "Ko So A Do Gurun."
f) To inform people about "Ko So A Do Gurun," what do they do?
g) How do the local people contribute to inform people about "Ko So A Do Gurun"?
h) When does Ms Ogawa feel happy to be involved in "Ko So A Do Gurun"?
2. Research and discussion points
i) Ms Tanaka used「方々」not「人たち」. Why do you think she chose this word?
j) Ms Tanaka says 「だれかのために活動することは何よりも満たされることだ。自分以外をよろこばせる幸せ」. Have you ever felt such joy or happiness? When did you feel it? Share your experience with your classmates.
3. Creative task
k) Inspired by this interview, imagine that Ms. Tanaka decides to work as a volunteer at "Ko So A Do Gurun" every Saturday. Write an email to Ms. Ogawa from Ms. Tanaka's standpoint. Include the expression of gratitude and what she thought after the interview. (about 400 ji)
l) Complete the dialogue below using the information from the article.
A:「こそあど ぐるん」は、何年にできましたか。
A:「こそあど ぐるん」は、どんなメニューがありますか。
A: ちかてつの駅から、「こそあど ぐるん」に行きたいのですが、どう行けばいいですか。