
 吉田功二郎(よしだ こうじろう)です。兵庫県(ひょうごけん)姫路市(ひめじし)に住(す)んでいます。私立(しりつ)市川高校(いちかわこうこう)の3年生(ねんせい)です。弓道部(きゅうどうぶ)の部長(ぶちょう)をつとめています。

My name is Yoshida Kojiro. I live in the city of Himeji in Hyogo prefecture. I'm a third-year student at Ichikawa High School. I'm a member of the kyudo (Japanese archery) club and serve as the head of the club.
    I am very fond of animals and plants. We have had many pets in our house since I was little. I feel natural when I am with my pets. Right now I am aiming for some kind of work as a veterinarian relating to protection of wild animals.

  Profile   A Day in the Life
YK-P01 こんにちは、吉田功二郎です/HI! I'm Yoshida Kojiro. YK-D01 起きる/Getting up
YK-P02 おいたち/Growing up YK-D02 朝食をとる/Eating breakfast
YK-P03 好きなもの/Things I treasure YK-D03 ドライヤーで髪を整える/Taming my hair with the hairdryer
YK-P04 くつろぎタイム/What I do for relaxation YK-D04 かばんに教科書をつめる/Packing my bag
YK-P05 ぼくの家族/My family YK-D05 バスで駅に向かう/Taking the bus to the train station
YK-P06 ぼくの父/My father YK-D06 甘地駅に到着する/Arriving at Amaji Station
YK-P07 ぼくの母/My mother YK-D07 学校までの道を歩く/Walking to school
YK-P08 ぼくの友だち/My friends YK-D08 英語の授業をうける/Studying English
YK-P09 ぼくのまち、姫路/My town: Himeji YK-D09 黒板を消す/Cleaning the blackboard
    YK-D10 座禅をくむ/Sitting in meditation
    YK-D11 べんとうを食べる/Eating bento
    YK-D12 化学の授業をうける/Attending chemistry class
    YK-D13 弓道の練習をする/Practicing Japanese archery
    YK-D14 帰りの電車で友だちとしゃべる/Enjoying the ride home with friends
    YK-D15 古本・中古CD屋に寄る/Stopping by the secondhand book and CD store
    YK-D16 玄関でアイの出迎えをうける/Welcoming home: Ai meets me at the door
    YK-D17 夕食をとる/Eating dinner
    YK-D18 勉強する/Studying at home
    YK-D19 アロマテラピーでリラックスする/Relaxing with aroma therapy
    YK-D20 ベッドで本を読む/Reading in bed

** 写真には「であいキット」で写真シートに使われている「Main Photos」と「その他」のものがあり、 Main Photos だけにタイトルや 語彙リストがついています。 The Deai Website contains all of the main Photos from the Deai Kit photo sheets, as well as additional photographs. However, only the main photos have titles and vocabulary lists.

Mizushima Yu | Oishi Kanta | Sakai Michi | Tamaki Shun'ichi | Yoshida Kojiro | Yamamoto Takayuki | Yuu Yuu Jin
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