
Growing up

[Left] When I was five, my little sister was three, so my parents dressed us both up and took us to pay our respects at the shrine in our neighborhood in the Shichi-go-san tradition of celebrating the good health of children of seven, five, and three years of age.
[Top right] With my brother and my sister, and our pets. The dog my brother is petting belonged to a neighbor. It would come over every day and play with our dog.
[Bottom right] When I was in first grade; at the gate of the elementary school with my big brother. I didn't go to the public school in my neighborhood but took the bus from home about 30 minutes to the elementary school affiliated with a university. At the time, I wished I could go to the local school and have classmates to play with in my own neighborhood.


ペット事情 Pets
七五三 Shichi-go-san ("Seven-Five-Three" Festival)

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