No. kr_self1a02
Activity 2:
Describe Your Own Family
Date: Country: Author (copyright) : Themes:
2002/3 US 高橋恵、清塚千穂、久保田竜子
Takahashi Megumi, Kiyozuka Chiho, Kubota Ryuko
Chapel Hill High School
Self, Family and Friends
The students will tell the composition of their families (what members their families consist of).

From the Deai photo sheets:
MY-P05 OK-P07 SM-P08 TS-P07 YK-P05
YT-P09 YT-P11 YY-P07    

Worksheets and other materials:

- Warm-up Sheet A: Family (generic)
- Worksheet #2 : Information - Gap Sheet (filled out on Day 1)
- Worksheet #3 : Interview Sheet

Warming up (3 min.)
- The students will do Warm-up Sheet A individually as they enter the classroom.
- The students will check their answers as a whole class.

Review (5 min.)
- Review family terms (otoosan, okaasan, etc.) using some Deai family photo sheets (some from MY-P05, OK-P07, SM-P08, TS-P07, YK-P05, YT-P09, YT-P11, YY-P07).

Questions from the teacher:

これは だれ ですか。(Showing a sheet)
おにいさんは なんにん いますか。
じゃあ、〜さんの かぞくは なんにんかぞく ですか。

Introduction (5 min.)
- The teacher will pretend to be a Deai friend, and introduce his/her family with generic terms.

(Holding Kojiro's family photo sheet: YK-P05)

"こんにちは。ぼくは こうじろう です。これは ちち です。はは です。あに です。そして、いもうと です。"
- The students will guess the differences between "honorific-polite" and "generic" terms to address the same family members.
- The students will compare and discuss the two terms with English terms, "dad" and "father."

Drills (5 min.)
- Repeat and memorize "generic" terms.

Listening (5 min.)
- The teacher will pretend to be a Deai friend and describe his/her family. The students, looking at Worksheet #2 completed on the previous day, will guess who is being talked about. The student may do the teacher's role by taking turns.

Teacher : わたしは あねが ふたり います。
Student : ゆうじんさん ですか。
Teacher : はい、そうです。
Pair Practice (10 min.)
- In pairs, the students will interview about their own families. The students may make up their ideal family if they are uncomfortable with talking about their own family.

Q: かぞくは なんにんですか。
A: 〜にん です。
Q: だれ ですか。
A: はは と、あに と、いもうと と、わたしです。
- Practice another way to answer.

Q: かぞくは なんにん ですか。
A: はは と、あに と、いもうと と、わたしの 4にんかぞく です。
- The students will draw the students' own families and label them with generic terms. (5 min.)
- The teacher will explain the interview sheet and show examples to ask and answer questions. Emphasize that the students need to differentiate "honorific-polite" and "generic" terms accordingly. [Worksheet #3] (5 min.)
- The students will interview their partners and fill out the interview sheet. (10 min.)
- Several students will present what they found about their partners' families. (5 min.)

〜さんの かぞく は、おかあさん と、おにいさん と、〜さんの さんにん(かぞく)です。
Answers to Warm-up Sheet A:
1. B
2. F
3. E
4. H
5. D
6. C
7. G
Answers to Worksheet #2:
# おとうさん おかあさん おにいさん おねえさん いもうと おとうと
かんた 8 1 1 2 3 0 0
みち 7 1 1 0 1 1 0
しゅんいち 8 1 1 0 0 0 5
こうじろう 5 1 1 1 0 1 0
たかゆき 4 1 1 0 1 0 0
ユウジン 5 1 1 0 2 0 0

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