

[Top left] We talk about all sorts of things, like movies and TV shows we recently watched, fashion, music, school, and classes. Often it's just idle chatter, but that's how we like it. Lately, we talk more and more about our studies and the entrance exams. Most of my friends have cell phones, so we send messages back and forth a lot while we study. This actually makes you want to study even harder so as not to get left behind.
[Top right] Nat-chan (left) and I have been in the same class since first year, and we are best friends. She's a warm and gentle person, and when I am around her I feel gentle too. She's always ready to listen and give advice when I am in trouble or worrying about something.
Aki (right) is very sociable and has many friends. She is cheerful, talkative, and good at cracking jokes. But at the same time, she pays attention to what's going on and is considerate of others.
[Bottom] Always saying something funny, Asuka makes everyone laugh. Not only that, but she's kind, attentive, and gentle.


クラス、ホームルーム Class, homeroom
クラス編成 class membership
通学 Commuting to school
映画 Movies
携帯電話 Cell Phones      

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Mizushima Yu | Oishi Kanta | Sakai Michi | Tamaki Shun'ichi | Yoshida Kojiro | Yamamoto Takayuk | Yoo Yoo Jin
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