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Click Nippon News
Dec.11, 2015

【1】New article in 《My Way Your Way》
Origami artist talks about the challenge to his limit

《My Way Your Way》コーナーの新着記事

【2】Suggested class activities


【1】New article in 《My Way Your Way》

"Origami Art by Trial and Error"

Nishida Shatner talks about his encounter with Origami Art, his approach and his perspective of Origami art.


☆Essence of the article

・Every time Shatner faces a new challenge, he realizes that it is he himself who sets the limitation.

・It was his mother who supported him ever since he was young and opened his eyes to the wider Origami world.

・Absorb the tradition into yourself. Add your own creativity and imagination to it, then give birth to something new. This is Shatner's relationship with the traditional arts.

【1】《My Way Your Way》コーナーの新着記事








【2】Suggested class activities using this article

a) Watch the video "Click Nippon meets Origami Artist." Then explain Shatner's 'Try and Error' approach to his origami art in your own words. Use some examples shown in the video.

b) First, make a traditional origami e.g. paper crane, following the traditional method. Then discuss with your classmates what skills you used in order to make traditional origami neatly.

Secondly, create your own original origami e.g. animal or other item. Show your original origami to your classmates and explain what you made. Discuss what is necessary to make an original origami.

What are the different skills you used in making the two types origami?

c) Did this article change your view on Origami? Compare your ideas before and after reading this article.

d) Look around your surroundings. Do you see anything that has been improved by 'try and error' approach? Give some examples.

e) Is there anything that you are trying to improve by 'try and error' approach? Explain to your class.











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