
Growing up

[Top left] My first birthday. In Korea, it is the custom to celebrate the first birthday by dressing the child in colorful chima and chogori and preparing a feast, and my parents observed this custom for me and my sisters.
[Top center] About one year old, playing with my sisters.
[Bottom center] Around one year old. When I went to sleep, I always clutched a handkerchief or kept a stuffed animal next to me. This Snoopy doll was my favorite. Even though it gradually got dirty and became quite dingy in color, I still treasured it for a long time. Sometime in kindergarten or in elementary school, my mother told me it was too dirty and I would have to throw it away, so finally I gave it up.
[Bottom right] This also is when I was one. My sisters were the ones who taught me to use the toilet.
[Top right] The day of the commencement ceremony for elementary school. I remember how happy I felt going off to school with my randoseru (school bag) on my back for the first time. Mother often dressed us girls in matching outfits.
[Bottom left] Sports Day at my junior high school. I came in first in the pankui kyoso, a race that ends by snatching a pastry hanging on a string in your teeth.


入学式 entrance ceremony
体育祭・運動会 Sports festival/field day
幼稚園 Kindergarten
1歳の誕生祝い First Birthday Celebration

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