
Hi! I'm Yoo Yoo Jin

I am eighteen years old and in the third year of the high school at Senri International School. I am a third-generation Korean resident of Japan, born and raised in Osaka.
I started playing badminton and swimming when I was in kindergarten and I've practiced various sports, especially volleyball and soccer. I'm studying for the university entrance exams this year, so I didn't join any sports club. I miss being in a club, but we have volleyball in physical education class and a class in lifeguard training, so I manage to fit in a fair amount of sports activity anyway. I've always been practicing some sport since the time I was little, so not being active at all doesn't seem like living. I would far rather be active in some sport than studying at my desk. Pursuing sports comes as naturally to me as breathing. I'm planning to study to become a sports counselor.


保険体育教育 Health and physical education
千里国際学園 Senri International High School
幼稚園 Kindergarten
携帯電話 Cell Phones
大阪府 Osaka
在日韓国人2世・3世 second- and third-generation Korean resident of Japan

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Mizushima Yu | Oishi Kanta | Sakai Michi | Tamaki Shun'ichi | Yoshida Kojiro | Yamamoto Takayuk | Yoo Yoo Jin
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