
【Click Nippon News】Bags from Tatami?

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Click Nippon News
April 16, 2020

【1】Bags from Tatami?

【2】Suggested class activities


As the coronavirus pandemic rages around the world, many schools are turning to online classes and other videoconferencing approaches for education. How are teachers coping with the situation? CNN shares stories received by the editors.

Junior and Senior High Schools in Victoria, Australia
Teachers are trying various approaches for classes using the Internet such as the following:
• Have students write descriptions of their favorite manga characters and present them with PowerPoint slides
• Using the textbook, teachers make videos of their own explanations and put them online. The students watch the videos and perform the tasks assigned.
• Use the Quizlet app to have students answer questions.

High Schools in Korea
• Classes using the Internet, including videoconferencing tools and videos, began on April 9. This is a first-time challenge for teachers of Japanese. The Japanese Teachers Association (JTA) online teacher network has been swamped with questions and requests for guidance. The frequently asked questions include what to do about copyright for using resources located in textbooks or on the Internet. JTA quickly created an SNS group to take questions, compile them, and publish the Q&A for the benefit of all.
• Some teachers become YouTubers, opening up their own channels online and posting videos of the enjoyable classes they are holding.

All teachers are exerting themselves in many ways, devising ways to work with students and help them learn. CNN offers Japanese texts rewritten for junior and senior high school students, vocabulary lists, research hints, and other resources for study at the link below. We hope you will find them useful.


【1】Bags from Tatami?

The theme taken up in the Tokimeki Shuzaiki interview this time is "Boundaries." Students at Musashino Art University formed groups to look at Japanese society in terms of boundaries or borders. They took up such boundaries in geographical space, in time, and other topics. One group, wondering whether there was a boundary between "tradition" and "innovation," interviewed Aoyagi Kentaro, the fourth-generation head of the Aoyagi Tatami company. Aoyagi works not only with traditional tatami mats but has developed a line of original products featuring the rush (igusa) matting used to cover tatami floor mats. In 2018 his "Mother's Bag" won the Omotenashi Selection first prize. The interview asked Aoyagi about his ideas on tradition and innovation.
The article is rewritten in Japanese to make it easier to use in the classroom.

The abridged article is here.

See the original articles here.

【2】Suggested class activities

1. Questions to help students' comprehension of the abridged article.

a) What did Aoyagi learn from his homestay with the farmers in Kumamoto?

b) How did he feel about what he learned?

c) What was the inspiration that led to his design for the Mother's Bag? What sort of news was topical at the time?

d) Why did Aoyagi attach an igusa mat to the Mother's Bag?

e) What is Aoyagi's idea about the future of tatami? Why does he think so?

2. Discussion points

f) Aoyagi says, "この問題と向き合わなければならないと思いました." What is この問題? How did he tackle this problem?

g) What tradition used in the Mother's Bag makes it unique?

h) Are there any people around you who are following traditions in their work? What kind of work do they do? What sort of traditions are they upholding?

i) Do you think it's important to maintain traditions? Why do you think so?

j) List the things you use in everyday life that you wish to be passed on for the next 100 years. Explain your reasons.

k) Explain what Aoyagi thinks about the relationship between tradition and innovation. Do you agree with him? Why? Why not?

3. Research and creative tasks

l) Make a flyer or television commercial advertising the Mother's Bag in Japanese.

m) Research igusa. What merits does igusa have? Present your findings in class.

n) Work in pairs. Create a dialogue between Aoyanagi and a customer. The customer has no knowledge of igusa and tatami, and asks Aoyagi questions. Aoyagi answers the questions. Refer to the article and your research done for m) above.

Senior grammar patterns used in this article
• ~たform ことがある
• Verb こと
• ~の(ん)だ
• Verbために
• ~なければならない 
• ~と思う
• Verbはじめる
• Relative clause
• ~かもしれない
• ~ので

Related topics
• Living in Japan
• Traditional and modern culture
• The world of work

☆Related websites
• おもてなしセレクション(Omotenashi Selection)

• The Wonder 500™ Certified Product Details

• Matsu-store.com Tatami info


•質問に答えさせるのにQuizlet などを使う。





今回も授業で使えるように記事をリライトしています。 ぜひご活用ください。




1. リライト記事の内容確認のための質問

a) 熊本県の農家さんにホームステイしてどんなことがわかりましたか。

b) その時、どう思いましたか。

c) マザーズバッグを作る時、何がインスピレーションになったのですか。どんなニュースがあって、どんな話題になっていましたか。

d) マザーズバッグにイグサマットをつけたのはなぜですか。

e) 青柳さんは、畳の未来をどのように考えていますか。その理由は何ですか。

2. ディスカッションポイント


g) マザーズバッグにはどんな伝統が活かされて、この製品をユニークなものにしていますか。

h) あなたのまわりに伝統を守って仕事をしている人がいますか。どんな伝統を守って、どんな仕事をしていますか。

i) 伝統を守ることは大切だと思いますか。どうしてそう思いますか。

j) あなたの身の回りにあるもので、100年後も残っていてほしいものをあげてください。それはどうしてですか。

k) 青柳さんは伝統と革新の境界についてどのように考えていますか。あなたはその考えに賛成ですか。その理由も説明してください。

3. 表現活動のヒントとリサーチ

l) マザーズバッグのテレビコマーシャル、またはチラシを作りましょう。

m) イグサの畳にはどんなメリットがありますか。リサーチしましょう。そして分かったことをクラスでプレゼンテーションしましょう。

n) ペアで「青柳さんとお客さんの会話」を作りましょう。お客さんはイグサの畳について何も知りません。イグサの畳についていろいろな質問をしてください。青柳さんは、この記事と、質問m)で調べたことをもとに答えてください。

• ~たform ことがある
• Verb こと
• ~の(ん)だ
• Verbために
• ~なければならない 
• ~と思う
• Verbはじめる
• Relative clause
• ~かもしれない
• ~ので

• Living in Japan
• Traditional and modern culture
• The world of work

• おもてなしセレクション

• The Wonder 500™ Certified Product Details

• Matsu-store.com Tatami info


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