No. tjf_day1a01
A Day in the Life
Activity 1: Sequential Order of Events
Date: Country: Author(copyright): Themes:
2001/10 Japan The Japan Forum A Day in the Life
Students study the “day-in-the-life photographs” of Kojiro and think about the sequence of events. Using a game format based on Q&A in Japanese about the photographs, students sequentially order the photographs.

From the Deai photo sheets:
Thumbnail List (20 Images, 172KByte)
YK-D01 YK-D02 YK-D03 YK-D04 YK-D05 YK-D06 YK-D07 YK-D08 YK-D09 YK-D10 YK-D11 YK-D12
YK-D13 YK-D14 YK-D15 YK-D16 YK-D17 YK-D18 YK-D19 YK-D20        
Worksheets and other materials:
Note #1

Select 3 sheets from the photographs from the Day in the Life of Yoshida Kojiro set. Question the students about the contents of the photographs. Ask students to order the events in the photos.

Ex. YK-D14-->YK-D-03-->YK-D02

ここはどこでしょう? Where was this taken?
どこへ行きますか(どこへ行くところですか)。 Where are the students going?
何をしていますか。 What are they doing?
何時ごろでしょう? About what time is it?
このまえに 何をしていたでしょう? What do you think they were they doing before this?
このあとで 何をするでしょう? What do you think they will they do after this?

何をしていますか What is Kojiro doing?
ここはどこでしょう。 Where is he?
何時ごろでしょう? About what time is it?
はじめの写真より前ですか、あとですか。 Is it before the first photograph I showed you?
どうしてそう思いますか。 Why do you think it is [before/after]?

何をしていますか What are they doing?
どこですか。 Where was this picture taken?
だれがいますか。 Who is in the picture?
何時ごろでしょう? About what time is it?
2番目の写真より前ですか、あとですか。 Does this picture come before the second photograph? After it?
どうしてそう思いますか。 Why do you think it is [before/after]?

(Correct order is YK-D02-->D03-->D-14)


Hand out the rest of the Day-in-the-Life photographs of Kojiro, one per student. Tell students that they may look at the back side and the number of their photograph but not of any others.
(Depending on the Japanese-language level of the students, repeat these instructions in English.)

こうじろうの一日の生活の場面(scene)の写真を、みなさんにくばりました。写真と、裏の説明を見てください。自分の写真だけです。他の人の写真の裏の説明を見てはいけません。 I have handed out to you photographs of scenes from the day in the life of Kojiro. Please look the photograph and the explanation on the back. Look only at your photograph. Don’t look at the explanations on the back of the photographs of the others.

Practice, calling on one student.

S1さん、S1さんの写真では、こうじろう君は何をしていますか? S-san, what is Kojiro doing in your photograph?

おべんとうを食べています。 He’s eating his bento.

どこで食べていますか。 Where is he eating it?

教室で食べています。 He’s eating it in the classroom.

何時ごろですか。 About what time is it?

わかりません。たぶん12時ごろ? I don’t know. Probably about 12:00 noon.

写真の番号は何番ですか? What is the number of your photograph?

YK… YK...

だめです!写真の番号は言ってはいけません! Stop! Don’t say the number of your photograph!

Divide the students into two teams, A and B. Tell them to think about the sequence of events in a daily routine, and then line up, holding their photographs, in order of the events shown in the photographs. Students may move around the classroom, holding their photographs face out. They may ask other students about their photographs and answer questions about the ones they hold. Students line up in the order of events in the photos, without consulting the numbers on the backs.

みなさんAチームとBチームにわかれてください。 (クラスの右半分の人がAチーム、左半分の人がBチームです。) チームの中で、写真のじゅんばんを考えて、ならんでください。 写真について日本語で質問したり、答えたりしてください。 でも、写真の番号は言ってはいけませんよ! Now I would like you to divide into two teams: A and B. (Call the right hand side of the class Team A and the left hand side Team B.) Think about the order of the photographs hold by members of your team. Please ask each other questions and give answers about the photographs in Japanese. But don’t show the number of your photograph to anyone else!

Once the students in both groups have decided on the order and lined up, ask each one, in consecutive order, to explain in Japanese what Kojiro is doing in the photograph he or she holds. The teacher should write on the blackboard short explanations showing the order of the photographs for each group. Choose expressions in Japanese appropriate for the level of your students by referring to Note #1.

みなさん、できましたか。順番にならぶことができましたか。 さあ、では、ひとりずつ順番に、日本語で言ってくだい。 では、Aチームから、一番はじめの写真、何をしますか。 All right, everyone. Have you decided on the order? Are you lined up in order? Now, Please explain what Kojiro is doing in your photograph, one at a time, in order. Let’s start with Team A. What is Kojiro doing in the first photograph?

Aチーム Bチーム
1 「かみをセットします」 「あさ、6じにおきます」
2 「あさごはんを たべます」 「えきに つきます」
3 「バスにのって えきへ いきます」 「かがくのじゅぎょうをうけます」
4 「えいごの じゅぎょうを うけます」 ・・・

The teacher asks Group A and Group B to decide if they think the other team’s sequence is correct. If they disagree with the sequence, they must correct the order.

Bグループのみなさん、Aグループの順番はどうですか?いいですか。どこか へんですか? All right, those of you in Group B, what do you think of the Group A sequence of the photographs? Is it correct? Where do you think it is wrong?
どうしてそう思いますか。 Please explain why you think so.

Finally, the teacher shows the correct sequence. The teacher describes the scenes in the photographs in Japanese and asks the student holding the appropriate photograph to come forward in order. This means that the students of the two teams will be mingled. The teacher checks the order against the list written on the blackboard in 4. The team that lined up with fewer errors in order wins.

I will give the correct order. Will the person holding the photograph I am describing please come forward and line up.
No. 1 is “Getting up.”
Who has this photograph? Please step forward.
Oh, S2-san, there you are. You were No. 1 for Group B. You are in the right position.
No. 2 is “Eating breakfast.”
Who has this photograph? Okay, S3-san. S3-san was in second place in Group A, right? The first one in Group B was S4, but what is going on in the photograph S4-san has?
(S4: “Taming my hair with the hairdryer”)
Sorry, but Kojiro-kun arranges his hair after he has eaten breakfast, so that wasn’t the right order.

At the end, compare the order of the students to the list on the blackboard and calculate which group was the closer to the correct order.

When students have any questions about Kojiro’s day, the teacher takes notes on them for use in Activity 3.

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