This page offers generic and other ideas that have emerged from teachers' actual practice in using the Deai resources--simple innovations and creative techniques, activities that may not constitute a full unit but can be used on a one-time basis, task ideas, and so forth. They can be useful to other teachers and help stimulate them to innovations of their own.
Ideas Country
“Find your DEAI student!...An activity for HSC preparation.”
By 江原有輝子 Ehara Yukiko (NSW州教育省日本語コンサルタント, Japanese Consultant, NSW Department of Education and Training)   NEW !


General activity for high school senior students. This activity can be used for HSC preparation.

Download MS Word files [ey_activity_e.doc] [ey_activity_j.doc] [Activity sheets]
Download PDF files[ey_activity_e.pdf] [ey_activity_j.pdf] [Activity sheets]


“My Daily Routine” Lesson Plan
By Margaret Dyer (Clarendon Elementary School, California, US) 

I used Deai in my classroom (the lesson was videotaped for WGBH Public Television Station). My students were very impressed with the Deai Kit and pictures. Though this lesson was originally planned for my 5th grade students to study the V-masu form, it can also be applied to secondary school students, up to Japanese II in high school.
      If discussing cultural differences is too difficult for students, the teacher can provide a large two-circle Venn diagram on a sheet of paper, labeling the circles with the US and Japanese flag, respectively. The teacher can then show photos depicting scenes from daily life in the US and Japan, and have students attach these photos to the appropriate place on the diagram with Velcro.
      Also, it may be useful to use the picture book “Mai-chan no ichinichi,” published by Komine shoten, for young students to learn about the daily lives of Japanese children.

Download MS Word files:
Lesson Plan [dyer_plan.doc]
Worksheet [dyer_w1.doc] [dyer_w2.doc]

「であい」を使った日本理解教育のためのレッスンプラン集「Snapshots from Japan: 7人の高校生の素顔」

国際交流基金日米センター(CGP)が開発した、「であい」を使った米国の中高校の社会科向けレッスンプラン集「Snapshots from Japan: 7人の高校生の素顔」をご紹介します。このレッスンプラン集は、CGPが2004年に日米交流150周年記念教育プロジェクトとして米国のコロラド大学Program for Teaching East Asia(TEA)と共同開発したものです。7人の「であい」の主人公たちの背景にある現代日本の社会や文化について、さまざまな角度から幅広く分析、考察し、生徒たちの日本理解が促進されるよう工夫されています。米国以外の地域、また社会科以外の教科でも、参考にしていただけると思います。「Snapshots from Japan: 7人の高校生の素顔」は、CGPのウェブサイトから無料でダウンロードすることができます。

Snapshots from Japan: 7人の高校生の素顔

Curriculum materials using Deai developed primarily for use in middle and junior high school social studies classes--Snapshots from Japan: The Lives of Seven Japanese High School Students

We are very pleased to introduce the publication of Snapshots from Japan: The Lives of Seven Japanese High School Students, curriculum materials developed by the Japan Foundation Center for Global Partnership (CGP) primarily for use in middle and junior high school social studies classes. It was developed in collaboration with the University of Colorado at Boulder, Program for Teaching East Asia, inspired by the 150th anniversary of United States-Japan relations in 2003-2004. These lesson plans aim to develop a range of data analysis, thinking, and geographic skills and to enhance students' understanding of Japan by placing the lives of the Japanese students in the larger context of contemporary Japanese society and culture. The ideas and teaching skills of the Snapshots from Japan may be very useful for teachers of subjects other than social studies and in countries other than U.S.A. CGP welcomes all interested educators to download them for free.

Snapshots from Japan: The Lives of Seven Japanese High School Students
The Japan Foundation Center for Global Partnership


「ケルン日本語補習授業校(ドイツ)」の高校生3人が「わたし/ぼく」について考えるために取り組んだプロジェクトです。「であい」の7人を参考に、めいめいが「1. わたしはこんな人」「2. わたしのまち」「3. 大切なモノ・ヒト・コト」「メッセージ」の4部構成で作文を書き、写真を撮り、メッセージを録音しました。3人は生まれも、育ちも、日本語の力も全然異なる3人です。このプロジェクトで一人ひとりが自分自身や自分の周りを再発見・再確認し、18歳の「今」の足跡を残すことができました。

Download MS Word files:
[実践報告書] [プロジェクトについて] [生徒の作品(ヘレン)] [生徒の作品(ハンス)] [生徒の作品(みき)]
資料:[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [水島優のマイ・ストーリー] [水島優のキャプション]
Lesson units using the skills students need for NCEA in NZ
By Catherine Linnen (Waiuku College)

I have written 2 short revision units, using 2 Deai students. 1 is for Year 12 and 1 for Year 13 in New Zealand. They are very simple ideas, but they use all the skills students need for NCEA. This is for New Zealand students. My students have trailed these and enjoyed them.

Download MS Word files [cl_revision1.doc] [cl_revision2.doc]

New Zealand
日本の高校生の紹介 An introduction to Japanese high school students
By Yamamoto Junko (Mt. Lebanon High School, PA)

I distributed this project to my students as an introduction to Japanese high school students. It is aimed at high school Japanese language education, level 3. If you try using it and find points that could be improved, please share your ideas with me.

Download MS Word files [jy_lesson.doc]


「であい」の登場人物に暑中見舞いを出すというクイズページをQuiaでつくってみました。 Using Quia, I made an online quiz page titled, “Sending a Summer Greeting Card (shochu mimai) to the Deai Students”
By江頭由美 Eto Yumi (Japanese-language Advisor)


Although the season has changed already, this may be valuable as a reference for other teachers. Next, I might make a New Year’s card (nengajo) version. . .


New Zealand
であい展覧会 Deai Exhibition
澤田智穂子Sawada Chihoko (長春市第十一高校, 中国吉林省)

「であい」を展示物に使って,展覧会を開いてみました!高校1年生の生徒約130人が準備に当たりました。招待したのは,英語クラスの生徒,日本語クラスの上級生,他教科の教師,長春の日本人日本語教師・留学生です。 空き教室を使って,お昼休み1時間だけに開催する小さな展覧会。当日は,たくさんの人に見に来てもらえました。また,会場を利用して,二年生の日本語授業では,オリエンテーリングをしたり,一年生へのアドバイスや感想を書いてもらいました。当日は,会場係の生徒が,日本人の見学者を案内しました。

準備期間の一ヶ月から開催,そしてその後の「反省会」まで,わたしは,様々な「生徒の顔」を見ることができました。 詳しくは下記のウェブサイトで紹介しています。よろしかったら見に来てください。

Using the Deai resources as exhibit materials, I held a Deai Exhibition! About 130 first-year high school students helped in the preparations. I invited students from English language classes, upper level Japanese language students, teachers of other subjects, and native Japanese language teachers and study abroad students at the school. Using an empty classroom, it was a small exhibition held only during the hour-long lunch break. On the day of the exhibition, many people came to have a look. For my second-year Japanese learners, moreover, I used a meeting hall and had the students do scavenger hunt activities with the exhibits and write out their impressions and advice for the first-year students. On the day of the exhibition, they gave a guided tour to native Japanese observers.

From the time preparations began one month prior to the exhibition to the evaluation meeting afterward, I got to see a variety of sides to my students. More detailed information is available at the website below. Please take a look.


New Zealand Deai Project
By New Zealand Association of Japanese Language Teachers (NZAJLT)

The NZAJLT is currently seeking photo essays by New Zealand high school students for the New Zealand Deai Project. Those interested can view submitted student works on the NZAJLT website.


New Zealand
A Day in the life of Deai students
By Yazaki Mitsuo (Former Japanese language advisor to the Department of Education in New South Wales)

For intermediate learners, bringing the vocabulary and sentence structures in line with texts geared to the state’s senior high school syllabus. Lists of questions appropriate to each photo are also provided. Mr. Yazaki is currently working on the alternate Deai captions for the junior high school level as well.

Download MS Word files:

Activity [yam_handout.doc]

Caption for Daily Life Photos [caption_my2.doc] [caption_ok2.doc] [caption_sm2.doc] [caption_ts2.doc] [caption_yk2.doc] [caption_yt2.doc] [caption_yy2.doc]

Captions for Profile Photos [caption_my2_p.doc] [caption_ok2_p.doc] [caption_sm2_p.doc] [caption_ts2_p.doc] [caption_yk2_p.doc] [caption_yt2_p.doc] [caption_yy2_p.doc]

Using Deai as a revision exercise and to introduce structures newly added to the New Zealand syllabus
By Jenny Short (The Senior College of New Zealand)

Using the photographs of Oishi Kanta in Deai, I created a worksheet of revision exercises that also incorporated structures newly added to the New Zealand syllabus for Japanese-language education. The photo caption passages were simplified significantly to make the language accessible to year-12 and year-13 students.

Download MS Word files [js_execise.doc] (426KB)
Download ZIP files [js_exercise.zip] (140KB)

New Zealand
By Janis Maidment (Howick College)

This is suitable for N.Z.Year 11-12 students (15-16 years old), and the purpose of it is to use family vocabulary, including e.g sobo/sofu.

It is based on four of the DEAI students’ actual families (although Mizushima Yu’s aunt, uncle and cousins are fictional).

The families of Mizushima Yu, Yoshida Kojiro, Sakai Michi and Tamaki Shun’ichi could be introduced briefly and left on display while the students are playing the Family game. The relevant cards are : MY- PO5, YK-PO5, (YK-P03 and P01 show his pets), SM-P08, TS-P07.

Download MS Word files [familygame.doc] [cards2.doc] [cards1.doc] [famly.doc]

New Zealand
By Janis Maidment (Howick College )

The DEAI cards are a good way of revising language and challenging students to use language they have learnt in a new context.

Choose a DEAI student and sort through the photo cards for cards that students are most likely to be able to explain in their own words.

Give one card to each student and allow a few minutes for them to look at their card and decide what they are going to say. Although students can look at the back of the cards to clarify details they should be encouraged not to use the language on the back of the cards but to explain their card in their own words, using language that the rest of the class will understand.

Write some possible structures on the board, but stress that it is not essential to use complex structures. Clear communication of information about their card is most important.

Ask simple questions for clarification if necessary as students speak about their card.

At the end of the exercise, have the students give basic information about the student for a profile in English on the board. The students write a jikoshoukai for the DEAI student they have been introduced to for homework.

New Zealand
By Janis Maidment (Howick College)


This page of on-line activities is suitable for N.Z. Year 12 students (16 years old). It is accessible by students from home or school, and can be used as a class or homework activity. The textbook “Getting There in Japanese ? School System” covers various aspects of conventional school life in Japan. The school that Kanta goes to is different and provides an interesting contrast. The photo cards about Kanta can be used in class time, and students can follow up at home by accessing the TJF web site.

The page contents are:

- A scavenger hunt to encourage students to view the on-line materials about Oishi Kanta and use the mini-encyclopaedia on the TJF web site.

- A cloze test about Kanta’s part-time job.

- A verb challenge board which can be done by one or two people.

- A quiz about school-related kanji.

- A school vocabulary revision activity.

- A link to the Oishi Kanta TJF web pages.

- A list of Level 2 vocabulary, kanji and structures.

New Zealand
Activity Ideas on the Theme of Shopping
By 矢沢理子 Yazawa Michiko (Alberta Learning, Alberta)



1) (クラス全体)店に入ったときに店の人はなんというか、それに答えるべきか、答えるとしたらどう答えるかについてディスカッションする。教師がリードして、自文化とは異なる店員−客間の対応パターンがあることを意識させる。消費税、値切れる場所と値切れない場所などの知識も必要に応じて与える。

2) (グループ活動)A) ものがあるかどうか確かめる、B) 好みを説明する、C)値段を聞く、D)買わないで出る、E) 値切る、などのタスクを組み合わせて各グループに与え、スキットに盛り込むよう指示する。それぞれの場合どうするかグループでディスカッションさせ、教師が社会文化的知識、言語的知識を補足して、スキットを作らせる。


- From the CD-ROM, select and print several photos of Mizushima Yu or Yamamoto Takayuki out shopping. Divide your class into groups and distribute the photos among them. Have each group create a story to go with its photo and present it to the class.

- Have students create and perform a skit for a shopping scene using a Deai photo depicting a store. Try to pick a store that high school students might shop at, like MacDonald’s, Starbuck’s, a convenience store, a CD store, or a boutique. As reference information, give the students the website address for the store in Japan.

1) (As a class) Discuss what a store clerk says when a customer enters, whether the customer should respond to the clerk’s greeting, and if so, how. The teacher should take the lead in making students aware that the response pattern between customer and clerk differs from culture to culture. Supply useful terms and cultural information as needed, such as matters of sales tax, when it is or is not acceptable to haggle for a lower price, and so on.

2) (Group work) Assign each group a combination of tasks to be incorporated in a skit, A) checking to see if a store carries a particular item, B) explaining your preferences, C) asking how much an item costs, D) leaving without buying anything, and E) haggling for a lower price. While the students are creating their skits, provide them with relevant socio-cultural and linguistic knowledge and have them discuss within their groups what should be done for each task.

- Divide your class into groups and have each group pick one of the stores that appear in the Mizushima Yu photos. Have the students investigate a store that deals in similar products in their own culture, comparing and contrasting the price of goods and other features with the store in Japan.

A Bag for Deai Photos?
by 清塚千穂 Kiyozuka Chiho (Chapel Hill High School, North Carolina )


As Kubota Ryuko suggested, I think it would be a good idea for TJF to make a bag specifically designed for carrying the Deai photo sheets from classroom to classroom. For the moment I am using a paper bag from a department store, but I cannot be sure when it will break.



We don’t have any immediate plans to produce a tote bag for the Deai photo sheets, but in the future we may be able to offer one as a free gift (assuming funds for this are available…). What kind of bags have other teachers out there come up with for carrying the Deai photos?

“Detective” Activity
by 清塚千穂 Kiyozuka Chiho (Chapel Hill High School, North Carolina)




Last week, I gave a lesson using Deai to teach about schools in Japan, but my students complained, “Deai again? I’m tired of Deai!” Their negative response prompted me to reexamine the way I had used Deai up to now, focusing almost entirely on the photo captions. I got a hint on how to diversify my use of Deai from Keiko Schneider, who remarked: “Up to this point, I have been too fixated on the information on the back of the photo panels. I want to use the photos on the front more.”

So, today I experimented with using Deai visually to practice the miemasu (見えます) and kikoemasu (聞こえます) forms in my second-year Japanese class. Purposefully selecting a few photo panels that showed each of the seven Deai students at home, I told my students they were detectives and I was their assistant. Their job, I explained, was to peep into the rooms of an apartment building one-by-one. (Not the most appropriate setting, perhaps…) Then, I passed out binoculars made of paper and stood in front of the class holding up each of the photo panels in turn. My students enjoyed describing what their “surveillance” revealed, creating sentences like白くて小さい犬が見えます。男の子が見えます。犬と遊んでいます。(I can see a small white dog. I can see a boy. He is playing with the dog.), and when I had the students pretend they possessed a wire-tapping machine, they reported things like犬の鳴き声が聞こえます。(I can hear a dog barking.). (These examples are from the Yoshida Kojiro photos.)

I also implemented a group presentation plan with Deai for my first-year students in preparation for having them give individual self-introductions. As I was explaining the project the students’ faces seemed to say “not again!” but once it got underway, the students eagerly took up the challenge. When I went to the second of my two first-year Japanese classes, one of the students said, “I know what we’re doing in class today. We’re using Deai, aren’t we? I heard about it from the students in the first class.” When I asked what the members of the earlier class had said about the project, the student reported that they had said it was a lot of fun. Worried that the answer was going to be, “they thought it was boring,” I was quite reassured to hear this. I did well, I think, to give the students work that involved searching for specific information in the Deai photos and captions.



This kind of feedback is certainly understandable. Any group of students is liable to get bored with Deai if that is all they ever see. Still, the “detective” activity you describe is fascinating! All the rest of the teachers out there should definitely give this one a try.

Color-coding the Photo Sheets
by Sachiko Omoto Renovich (High school teacher, B.C.)

I think color-coding of theme icons and symbols for the seven students on the Deai photo sheets makes it even easier for teachers to find the appropriate sheets quickly. Since the Japan Forum has already done the coding, teachers can simply instruct student helpers to place stickers over the highlighted portions. When it comes time to find certain photo sheets, teachers can flip quickly to just the sheets they need. The weight of the photo sheets can be an issue affecting their use. I have found that placing them vertically for easy flipping really cuts down on handling time. Details like that may seem unimportant, but for practicing teachers pressed for time, they can make the difference in deciding whether or not to use the sheets in class.

Ms. Omoto's Idea
by 清塚千穂Kiyozuka Chiho (Chapel Hill High School, North Carolina)



Reading Ms. Omoto's idea, I took her advice and set the Deai photo sheets, which I had kept in the original Deai box until now, upright in a large cardboard box. Sure enough, it has been much easier to use them.

Last year I did rather ambitious projects in class, using several Deai photo panels at once. This year, however, I want my students to get to know everyone who appears in Deai a little bit at a time, using the photos one by one. I have found that with large projects there are fewer opportunities for the students to look at and read each of the photo panels carefully. I will keep you updated on my approaches to using Deai.

Using Deai in a Post-beginner Level Class
by 悦子バーバーEtsuko Barber (St. Marks School of Texas, Texas)



Mr. Shimano's lesson plan was a bit difficult to put into practice, but turned out to be a good resource for getting to know my students better. Interestingly, one young man responded positively to all the keywords describing the United States, claiming with some pride that he was an "all-American boy."

Also, I found the instructions for Mr. Shimano's letter-writing activity very helpful. I had my students write a letter to Mizushima Yu, as well, but due to my insufficient guidance on how students should write the letter, their compositions remained at the sentence level, and we were unfortunately unable to practice writing at the paragraph level. With very little supplemental vocabulary, even beginners can gain a fairly deep appreciation of the Japanese people through lessons using Deai. I realized from this experience, however, that for students beyond the beginner level, the valuable communicative task in Deai don't come to life if you don't provide plenty of extra vocabulary and phrases.


Culture and the Individual: Writing a Letter to a Japanese High School Students"は、であいウェブの授業案コーナーでご覧いただけます。

What have other teachers using Deai for post-beginner level classes experienced? We encourage you to submit your views and any advice you may have to offer.
You can take a look at Shimano-sensei's lesson plan "Culture and the Individual: Writing a Letter to a Japanese High School Students" in the Sample Lesson Plans section of the Deai Website.

Sakai Michi and Family
by 清塚千穂Kiyozuka Chiho (Chapel Hill High School, North Carolina)


It was only a little bit, but I used Deai in class again today. I employed the lesson plan I made last year on "family" in order to introduce demo and dakara. As a freestanding activity it is easy to use. Looking at SM-P08, my students' interest was drawn to things like the boyish appearance of Michi's younger sister and the fashion sense of her older sister. After the students read the English caption on the back of the photo panel, they said the "two-generational home" was a type of housing situation peculiar to Japan. They were able to verify that the nature of family and Michi’s relationship with her own family were no different than family relations in the U.S.



Kiyozuka-sensei's "family" lesson plan is located in the Sample Lesson Plans section of the Deai Website. Please take a look!

Te-form Review and Students' Reactions
by 高橋恵Takahashi Megumi (East Chapel Hill High School, North Carolina)


After introducing the te-form the other day, I had my students read the Deai photosheet captions and then give group presentations, using the te-form, on a day in the life the Deai student their group selected. My students' reactions included: "It was very fun," "There was not enough explanation," "It was nice to work in a group," "It was a good experience studying the daily life, culture, and schools of the Japanese people," "It was an helpful review of the te-form," and so on. I felt that my students were able to discover a different culture not through passive reception, but on their own by looking at the photographs and reading the captions. One student, for example, expressed the opinion that "The forms of transportation for Japanese high school students are different from ours. I think they have more independence and freedom because they can get around without a car." On the other hand, some of my students jumped to slightly unbalanced conclusions like, "Japanese high school students have very little time for sleep" and "Japanese schools start and let out later in the day than ours do." In the future I'd like to encourage my students to realize that not all Japanese high school students live the same way as those depicted in Deai.



It is rewarding to hear that your students enjoy studying the Japanese language using the photos in Deai. When the photos make a strong impression, however, there is a chance that students will fall under the illusion that all other Japanese high school students must be that way, too. When faced with this, why not have your students reflect on themselves a bit? Among high school students in the U.S., for example, some have little time for sleep while others have plenty, and U.S. schools also come in a variety of configurations [--public, private, home-schooling, those that begin early, those that begin late, etc.] By noticing these aspects in their own lives, your students may naturally come to realize that not all Japanese high school students are the same. We hope that is the case, and please let us know how future classes turn out!

A Lesson in Using Imagination
by 芦原リー美江Mie Ashihara-Lee (Lynbrook High School, California)



During a review of "___ kamoshiremasen" and "___ mitai desu" in my Japanese 3 class, I had my students get into groups and imagine, basing their ideas solely on what they saw in the photo sheets, what kind of person each of the seven Deai students is. I then had each group present to the class its ideas on the Deai student it had been given. I think my students took an interest in the Deai students and wanted to learn more about them because I asked them to use their imagination and did not allow them to read the photo captions. While one group was presenting, the other groups just sat there and listened. Therefore, I think it might have been better to have the groups in the audience say whether they agreed or disagreed with the views offered in the presentation.

From the students' presentations:
For YK-D14 (Yoshida Kojiro on the train): "He seems nice. It looks like he has a lot of friends."
For YK-P01 (Kojiro holding his dog): "Maybe he is fond of dogs."
For YK-D16 (Kojiro at the door): "It looks like the dog is hungry."
For YK-D10 (Kojiro sitting in meditation): "Maybe he is hungry. Maybe his class in meditation is boring."

* This lesson was done at Lick-Wilmerding High School, where I had taught before.

Lesson on Where the Seven Deai Students Live
by 清塚千穂Kiyozuka Chiho (Chapel Hill High School, North Carolina)

であいの主人公の住む町をテーマにした授業で、「この町はアメリカのどの町に似ていると思う?」と聞くと、生徒たちは大盛り上がり。横浜の写真では、シアトル、NY、サンフランシスコに似ているという意見が出ました。理由は、中華街があるから、港の景観が似ている、いろいろな文化が混じっているから、など。それぞれが自分の意見を主張してゆずりませんでした。ほかには、渋谷はNYのタイムズスクエア、沖縄はハワイ、フロリダ、カリブ、北海道はNorth Carolinaに似ている、とのことでした。

During a lesson on where the seven Deai students live, my students really came to life when I asked them which U.S. city they thought most resembled those from the photo sheets. Looking at the photos of Yokohama, some students said it resembled Seattle, while others said New York or San Francisco. Their reasons included, "because they both have a Chinatown," "because their harbor vistas are similar," and "because a variety of cultures mingle together there," among others. Each of the students strove to convince the rest of his or her opinions. The students also thought Shibuya resembled New York’s Times Square; Okinawa looked like Hawaii, Florida, and the Caribbean; and Hokkaido was quite similar to North Carolina.



This seems like a very enjoyable activity for getting students to think about places in Japan by tying them to towns and cities the students are already familiar with. Each of the towns where the Deai students live has its own characteristics?some are major metropolises, some are harbor towns, and some are rich in history. There must be similar towns in your area. It might be interesting to develop this into an activity that has students search for such towns and then consider the roles that they play.

Using OK-P13
by Michael Kluemper (Jasper High School, Indiana)

Using the photograph OK-P13, students are asked to take turns being the おきゃくさん and the てんいん to ask what the customer would like. The customer asks for something (use the counter for long cylindrical objects), and then price and packaging should be discussed as well as saying thank you, etc.

Activity Plans by Grade Level
by Ai Nakabayashi (Viewbank College / Keilor Downs Secondary College, VIC)

- Year 7 or 8:What is Japan?
*Students learn about changing Japanese lifestyle
1. Using website, students choose one of the Deai members, and look at all the photos and explanations.
2. They identify some remaining Japanese tradition and some westernized things (or customs).
3. Discuss these in class.
- Year 9: Maru Batsu Game
1. Teachers read out profiles of Yu Mizushima and Kanta Oishi (sample), or use CD-ROM or website to introduce their profiles.
2. Teachers give these following true or false questions to students before the start.

ゆうさんのがっこうは つるみこうこうです。
ゆうさんは とうきょうにすんでいます。
ゆうさんは 五人かぞくです。
ゆうさんは カメラがすきです。
かんたさんの ガールフレンドのなまえは ゆきこさんです。
かんたさんは 八人かぞくです。
かんたさんの お父さんは七十さいです。
かんたさんは ほんがきらいです。

- Year 10: Be an Australian Deai member!
1. By a Japanese school, students are vertically asked to explain their daily lives to Japanese students. Using photos or drawings to illustrate a day in your life, students describe their day in Japanese.

- Year 11: Kamishibai (Boku no Ichinichi / Watashi no Ichinichi)
*Students will be able to use the Plain form, learn about the lifestyles of Japanese High School students and describe things that happen.
1. Each student chooses one Japanese high school student from Deai.
2. Students write a caption to each panel by using Plain form just like a diary. Each caption has to include more than 20 ji. The caption may include not only the description of the panel but also people’s speech.
3. Read the captions while showing the panels to other students.

- Year 12: Detailed Study : Japanese lifestyle
1. Students select one of the following topics: Eating habits / School life / Family / Youth culture / Regional differences.
2. Students pick up all panels related to their own topic, and describe the following: differences between Japan and Australia / similarities between Japan and Australia / differences between 7 Japanese students / similarities among 7 Japanese students / Differences between your first impressions and the actual lives of Japanese students.

by Etsuko Barber (St. Marks School of Texas, Texas)


■ 性格描写:性格描写は多岐にわたり、また複雑なので(辞書的意味を教えても、意味あい、ニュアンスが日本語と英語で異なることもある)、 であいの主人公という具体的なコンテキストの中で教えると効果的です。

■ 世代の交流:年齢を示唆することば(年上、年下、同級生、年寄り、若い等)を復習できます。

■ 家族間の支えあい:家族の役割、授受動詞の表現するもの(感謝の気持ち)について話し合うことができます。従来の「やりもらい」の文法レッスンでは、 上下関係とか、丁寧さのヴァリエーションを強調していたと思います。その基本も大切ですが、どうして「やりもらい表現を使うのか」話し合うことも大切だと思います。 「おばあちゃんはサンドイッチを未知に作ります」と「おばあちゃんはサンドイッチを作ってくれます」の違いは何かということです。それをわかりやすくするのに、 「家族」のレッスンは有効だと思いました。未知ちゃんのキャプションも、読んでいると伝わってくるのは家族間の思いやりみたいなものですね。ある行為をどうみるか。 行為をどうお願いするか。感謝の気持ち、または甘えをも含む感情を入れて、それを日本語では、「やりもらい」の文型を使って表現できるというようなことを考えていけたらと思います。

by 郷村千鶴子 (Former State Language Advisor, QLD LOTE Centre, QLD)


■ 数枚の写真を使って「おはなし」を作る。

■ マッチング(写真カルタ)
1. 教室に写真を何枚かはる。
2. 一人一人が好きな写真を選んでその説明をカードに書く。
3. カードを交換する。
4. カードに書いてある説明文を読み、合っている写真をさがす。

■ 一枚の写真を使って生徒が5W1Hの質問をする。
いつ? どこで? だれが? 何を? どれ・どちら? どう・どういう?

■ シミュレーションWRITING

■ ティーンエイジャーにおこる5つのイベントをあげる。

■ 写真の中から考えられる全ての動詞、語い、漢字、形容詞をあげる。

by Sheila Baumgardner (Teacher Education Associate Beaverton Schools Beaverton, OG)

Twenty-two generic ideas for activities that can be quickly prepared.
"Deai Enhances and Compliments Curriculum, Materials, Style, and Student Interest"
by Peggy Hagmann Thill (The School District of Fall Creek Fall Creek, WI)

How to start using Deai in regular classes. Includes the author's own experiences with Deai, and how she used it both inside and outside of class.

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