
Student exchange: Fishing

This day, we got together with students from a school for children with disabilities in Kushiro. We have programs like this every year, when we visit each other's schools. We form pairs with the 50 or so students from the other school and do things like fishing or going to see the animals we keep at our school. I was paired up with a boy and we went fishing at the pond on our campus. The pond had previously been stocked with fish, so they were easy to catch, which made the children really happy. It was wonderful to see the delighted looks on their faces.


盲・聾・養護学校 Special schools for people with disabilities      

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Mizushima Yu | Oishi Kanta | Sakai Michi | Tamaki Shun'ichi | Yoshida Kojiro | Yamamoto Takayuk | Yoo Yoo Jin
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