
My football buddies, head coach and coach

[Top] This is at the party after we won the national championships. My buddies on the team are all great fun. When we get together, even tough training workouts are enjoyable. Thanks to their support, I never had any real problems playing football. I'm grateful to them for that.
[Bottom left] Yamazaki-sensei, our head coach. Yamazaki-sensei is the one who invited me to enroll in this school. I respect him a lot. He can be strict and even a bit scary, but he's really kind when you talk with him one on one. He has sort of taken me under his wing. Sometimes he teases and tries to provoke me, but it's always just good fun. I'm so glad to have been able to play football under his guidance. I wish I could go on playing for him my whole career.
[Bottom right] Takeda-san, our coach. It was at Takeda-san's suggestion that I became a cornerback, and it's thanks to his teaching me the fundamentals that I've been able to improve as a player. He's really a nice guy--I've never once seen him get angry. He's a very passionate person at heart, though. During the games he gets even more worked up than the players, and when we make a good play he pumps his fists and leaps up and down. Just watching him calms my nerves during a game. He's a true mentor, one person who has really helped me grow as a person.


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Mizushima Yu | Oishi Kanta | Sakai Michi | Tamaki Shun'ichi | Yoshida Kojiro | Yamamoto Takayuk | Yoo Yoo Jin
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