
At practice for the folk performing arts club: Playing dance accompaniment

As a member of the folk performing arts club, I've performed at many events in Okinawa prefecture. In my first and second years of high school, our club represented the prefecture in the folk performing arts division at a national high school culture festival. In this shot, we're rehearsing for two upcoming performances, one at a general meeting of the local agricultural cooperative in Haebaru, and the other for the high school students' summit organized at the time of the 2000 G8 Kyushu-Okinawa Summit. I play sanshin accompaniment to the dance, play the taiko drum, and also do a bit of dancing.


三線 Sanshin
沖縄県 Okinawa prefecture
九州・沖縄サミット 2000 G8 Kyushu-Okinawa Summit
高校生サミット The high school students' summit
農業協同組合 Agricultural cooperatives      

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Mizushima Yu | Oishi Kanta | Sakai Michi | Tamaki Shun'ichi | Yoshida Kojiro | Yamamoto Takayuk | Yoo Yoo Jin
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