
【Click Nippon News】 Let's Think about Happiness on Earth

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Click Nippon News
February 18, 2021

【1】Let's Think about Happiness on Earth

【2】Suggested class activities


【1】Let's Think about Happiness on Earth

The Tokimeki Shuzaiki website published an article written by a student from Hosei University based on an interview with Ms. Harumi Torii, who established KIDS EARTH FUND in 1988. Ms. Torii has been donating art materials and picture books to children around the world who have suffered trauma due to various causes. She has also run numerous art workshops for those children and held over 3,000 exhibitions of children's art. The artworks made by the children are used in the design of a wide range of items, and the funds raised through the sale of these items are used to benefit children around the world.

KIDS EARTH FUND runs collaborations with a number of organizations. One recent collaboration was "Ufufu! Let's make charity T-shirts," in which a call was put out for T-shirt designs from children. The resulting T-shirts were sold, and some of the profits were donated to KIDS EARTH FUND.
In this issue, we introduce activities inspired by this charity action. These include activities centered around onomatopoeias, activities that invite students to think about what is important for happiness and express their ideas by drawing, and other activities.

See the Tokimeki Shuzaiki articles here:


Let's make charity T-shirts to show our wish for Happiness on Earth 

【2】Suggested class activities

Ufufu! Let's design charity T-shirts.
Before starting to design their T-shirt, students can learn what kind of laugh Ufufu is in Part 1. Also, some other onomatopoeias for laughter will be introduced in Part 1.
Students can do Part 2 after Part 1, or they can learn more about onomatopoeia with the activities in the worksheets.

[Part 1] What is "ufufu"?

•"Ufufu" is one of the onomatopoeias which express a type of laughter. What kind of laughter do you think it is?
In pairs, show your "ufufu" laugh to each other.
In a group, decide on your group's "ufufu" laugh and show it to the class.

• How would you describe or express this type of laugh in your language? When we type ウフフin Japanese, some emoji appear, such as (*´艸`*) and (´∀`*)ウフフ

• What kind of feeling do you think it expresses?

• There are many onomatopoeias in Japanese to describe different types of laughter.
アハハ  ha ha ha
エへへ  he he he 
ウフフ  a gentle laugh to express joy, often with something secretive in mind
ギャハハ a loud, bursting laugh
ゲラゲラ to laugh out loud (a guffaw)
ニコニコ smiling

Note: Find more activities about onomatopoeias in the Part 3 worksheets (https://www.tjf.or.jp/clicknippon/en/activity/uploads/2021/02/Part3worksheets_202102.pdf)

[Part 2] Wishing for the happiness of people around the world, let's think of a design that can make people give an "ufufu" laugh.

Step 1 What are the keys to happiness for people around the world? What does a bright future for the Earth mean to you? How do you envisage such a place? Discuss in a group.
Note: The discussion may lead students to explore various social and environmental issues. Even if the issues seem global and distant, the students can still be encouraged to connect. They can feel motivated by believing their small contributions will make a difference globally.

Social and environmental issues students might discuss include the following:
• A society where everyone lives in harmony(さべつやいじめがありません。etc.)
• A peaceful world(せんそうがありません。etc.)
• A clean environment without pollution, where society coexists with nature (木をうえます。ポイ捨てをしません。etc.)
• A society where animal welfare is well managed(すてねこや、すていぬがいません。やまやもりのどうぶつをたいせつにします。etc.)
• A society where all resources are valued(だれも、もったいないことをしません。etc.)

Step 2 Decide on a theme and design for a T-shirt. Draw or paint your design on A4 paper (using coloring pens, pencils, watercolors, etc.)

Step 3 Write your design title and your message in your notebook. (Students could be encouraged to write these in Japanese in advanced classes.)
See the handout for useful vocabulary. (https://www.tjf.or.jp/clicknippon/en/activity/uploads/2021/02/handout_202102.pdf)

Step 4 Present your picture, design title, and message to the class. If you wear a plain T-shirt and hold your picture in front of you, it will look as if your picture is the design of the T-shirt.
Note: For reference, find pictures by children from around the world at KIDS ART GALLERY https://www.kidsearthfund.jp/

[Part 3] Activities centered around onomatopoeias (https://www.tjf.or.jp/clicknippon/en/activity/uploads/2021/02/Part3worksheets_202102.pdf)

[Part 4] Enrichment/Extension work using the photography book "Where Children Sleep"
"Where Children Sleep" is a photo book by James Mollison, a photographer who was born in Kenya and raised in England. This photo book presents children's portraits and stories, and photographs of the places where they sleep. Students can see that not all children sleep in a room with a bed. This photo book will help students think about inequity within and among societies around the world. Even within one country, there are diverse social environments and disparities in wealth. This photo book will provide students with opportunities to think about inequity and children's rights. It will be our great pleasure if these activities deliver opportunities for students to begin thinking about how they may respond.

21 selected children's photos and précis of their stories

12 selected children's photos and slightly detailed précis of their stories

The above sites are convenient for showing the photos to the class onscreen. However, the full story of each child is very important, and these are only available in the published photo book. For the full effect, the use of the published photo book is recommended. The book is written in English, so it will make a great resource, not only for this lesson but also for the entire school.
Information about the published photo book "Where Children Sleep"

Activity A
Look at the photos and read the information about each child. Can you answer the questions about them?
• お名前は何と言いますか。
• 何才ですか。
• どこに住んでいますか。
• その子の部屋・空間に何がありますか。
• ほかにどんなことがわかりましたか。

Activity B
1) Which child left the most powerful impression on you? Why? Share your thoughts with your classmates.

2) What makes that child live life as described? Research the circumstances that child is in. What kind of issues are affecting this child?

3) Make a poster or fact sheets with the findings of your research. Display your posters and fact sheets in your classroom. What kind of issues can you see? Share your thoughts about what problems our world has, how your country is involved in these problems, and what you can do to respond.

Activity C
1) Imagine you are the child whom you selected in Activity B. Write a diary from his/her point of view. What kinds of things have happened to this child, and what kinds of needs does he/she have?
Note: Students could be encouraged to write this in Japanese in advanced classes.

2) What kind of world do you think this child wants to be in? Draw or paint a world in which this child lives happily. Write a brief explanation of your picture.
Note: This activity can be connected to Part 2 (T-shirt design).

3) What can we do in order to realize the world you envisioned in your picture? Discuss.
Activity D
Do you think children who seem to be living a rich lifestyle are happy? What is real happiness? Do you think being surrounded by possessions means being happy?

Websites about "Where Children Sleep"


Related topics
• Literacy - Onomatopoeia
• Art and design
• Environment
• Current issues
• Global and contemporary society



子供地球基金ではさまざまな企業や団体とコラボレーションしています。最近行ったコラボレーションのひとつに、「ウフフ! チャリティーTシャツをつくろう!」があります。子どもたちにTシャツの絵を募り、チャリティーTシャツとして販売、その売り上げの一部が子供地球基金に寄付されるというものです。






[Part 1] ウフフってどんな笑い方かな?


• このような笑いをあなたの言葉では、どのように表現しますか。

• ウフフをタイプすると、こんな絵文字がでてきます: (*´艸`*) (´∀`*)ウフフ

• ウフフと笑うときの感情はどんな感じでしょうか。

• 日本語には、笑いを表す言葉(オノマトペ)がたくさんあります。たとえば;
アハハ  ha ha ha
エへへ  he he he 
ウフフ  a gentle laugh to express joy, often with something secretive in mind
ギャハハ a loud, bursting laugh
ゲラゲラ to laugh out loud (a guffaw)
ニコニコ smiling

Note: Part 3のワークシートにオノマトペのアクティビティーがあります。(https://www.tjf.or.jp/clicknippon/ja/activity/uploads/2021/02/3a2f3777ef592f4e6fceaafe0fc05a06e7801de6.pdf)

[Part 2] 世界の人たちの幸せを願って「ウフフ!」となるようなデザインを考えよう

Step 1 どんなことが、世界の人たちの幸せとつながるでしょうか。明るい未来の地球はどんなところでしょうか。ブレインストーミングをしましょう。
Note: ブレインストーミングのディスカッションの中で、色々な環境問題や、社会問題がでてくるかもしれません。地球レベルの問題でも、一人ひとりの小さな行動が、より良い世界に繋がる第一歩です。生徒たち自身に何ができるか考えてもらってください。

• みんなが仲良く暮らせる社会(さべつやいじめがありません。etc)
• 平和な社会 (せんそうがありません。etc)
• 公害のないきれいな環境、美しい自然と共存できる社会 (木をうえます。ポイ捨てをしません。etc)
• 動物保護が行き届いた社会 (すてねこや、すていぬがいません。やまやもりのどうぶつをたいせつにします。etc)
• 資源を大切にする社会 (だれも、もったいないことをしません。etc)

Step 2 自分のテーマを決めて、デザインを考えましょう。そして画用紙などA4の紙に色鉛筆、カラーペン、水彩絵の具などで、描いてみましょう。

Step 3 ノートに、デザインタイトルと、絵に込めたメッセージを書きましょう。
Note: 日本語で書けるレベルでは、日本語で書くことに挑戦するのもいいでしょう。「ヒントになることば」はハンドアウトを参照してください。(https://www.tjf.or.jp/clicknippon/ja/activity/uploads/2021/02/handout_202102.pdf)

Step 4 描いた絵、デザインタイトル、絵に込めたメッセージをクラスで発表しましょう。無地のTシャツを着て、絵を胸に当てて発表すると、Tシャツのデザインに見えますね。
Note: https://www.kidsearthfund.jp/ のKIDS ART GALLERY で、世界の子どもたちが描いたいろいろな絵のサンプルが見られます。参考にしてください。

[Part 3] オノマトペのアクティビティー (https://www.tjf.or.jp/clicknippon/ja/activity/uploads/2021/02/3a2f3777ef592f4e6fceaafe0fc05a06e7801de6.pdf)

[Part 4] 写真集Where Children Sleepを使った発展問題(Enrichment/Extension work)
写真家James Mollisonの写真集『Where Children Sleep』 を使った活動です。世界の子供達がどんなところで眠っているかを写真と簡潔な文で紹介しています。ベッドのある部屋で眠れる子供達ばかりではありません。この写真集を使って、世界の子供達を取り巻く社会環境の多様性、不平等、そして人権を考える機会を持ってみるのはいかがでしょうか。一つの国の中にも、色々な環境があり、貧富の差があり、不公平があります。国のステレオタイプに陥ることなく、この不平等はどこから来るのか、子供達の人権を守る為に、私たちに何ができるのかを生徒たちと一緒に考える機会となれば幸いです。




• お名前は何と言いますか。
• 何才ですか。
• どこに住んでいますか。
• その子の部屋・空間に何がありますか。
• ほかにどんなことがわかりましたか。

1) 一番印象に残ったのは、どの写真ですか。どうしてですか。グループで話し合ってください。

2) その子供がどうしてそのような生活を強いられているのか、その問題をリサーチしましょう。

3) リサーチでわかったことをポスター、またはファクトシートにまとめてください。それをクラスに展示しましょう。どんな問題が見えてきますか。世界にどんな問題が存在するのか、自分の住む国はその問題にどのように関与しているのか、自分達にできることは何か、などを話し合いましょう。

1) アクティビティーBで選んだ子供の一日を想像して、その子供の立場で日記を書きましょう。どんなことが起こりましたか。何が必要だと思ったでしょう?(できれば日本語で書いてみましょう。)

2) その子供は、どんな世界に住みたいと思っているでしょうか。その世界を絵に描いてみてください。そして、その短い説明を書いてください。(このアクティビティーはPart 2のTシャツのデザインにも繋がっています)

3) そのような世界を実現するために、私たちはどんなことができるでしょうか。グループで話し合ってください。


Where Children Sleepに関するサイト


• Literacy - Onomatopoeia
• Art and design
• Environment
• Current issues
• Global and contemporary society


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