Sports festival/field day

Sports Festival
The sports festival (taiikusai) is a junior and senior high school annual event in which all the students and some parents participate. It is held once a year in either spring or autumn. In some schools it is hosted by the student council, and planned and executed by the students themselves. 《→seitokai 生徒会 student council》 In many schools, same-numbered kumi (classes) from all three years are grouped together as a team (e.g., Class 1's from all three years are combined as the "Red Team") to compete against other kumi, rather than competing against classes in the same year. Competitive events include footraces, obstacle races, tamaire (each team tries to throw balls into a basket attached to a high pole within a fixed time period. The team with the most balls in the basket wins.), relay races, kibasen (one member of the team is carried in a standing position, as if riding a horse, by the other team members. He tries to snatch the hats off the heads of "riders" on the opposing team before they take his.), and a cheerleading competition. Many of the events are entertaining or challenge the wits and skill of the entire team, rather than show off individual athletic prowess.
For the cheering competition, many schools encourage original performances. Each team may choose a theme, dressing in original costumes. Prior to the sports festival, team members often gather before classes in the morning or after school to refine their teamwork or practice. This strengthens solidarity and provides an opportunity for students in different grades to get to know each other better.

Field Day
The annual sports event held at elementary schools is called undokai (field day). The entire school is divided into two teams, red and white, and they compete in footraces, obstacle races, relay races, tamaire (each team tries to throw balls into a basket attached to a high pole within a fixed time period. The team with the most balls in the basket wins.), and kibasen (one member of the team is carried in a standing position, as if riding a horse, by the other team members. He tries to snatch the hats off the heads of "riders" on the opposing team before they take his.), and put on performances. Parents and teachers also participate in some events. Many of the events are entertaining or challenge the wits and skill of the teams, rather than show off individual skill.




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