Class Ideas

Another Me Found through My Idol

執筆:Son Jinwon / Noowon High School

話題/目標:Communication、Comparison、Global Issues、Negotiation、Perspective、Spare Time and Sports


1) Read articles on idols regarding self-realization together with your friends and discuss your thoughts and understandings.
2) Convey orally and in simple sentences how to proactively self-realize your feelings towards your favorite idol.

目 標

Convey orally and in simple sentences how to proactively self-realize your feelings towards your favorite idol.

対 象 Junior high and high school students
日本語レベル Beginners and intermediate
What to prepare


1. Introduce today's discussion topic and hand out Work Sheet 1.

2. Read and understand Work Sheet 1 and the articles Our Shining Ginyu and Realize the Me I Wanted to Be from TJF Click Nippon.

3. Discuss what you felt after reading Work Sheet 1 with the class.

4. Hand out Work Sheet 2 and write down your thoughts in Japanese.

5. Discuss about 1 and 2 on Work Sheet 2 with the class.

6. Divide into groups and discuss 3 on Work Sheet 2.

7. The group leader will present the content of their discussions.

8. Write your thoughts on 4 of Work Sheet 2 and summarize what you thought of today's lesson.

(c)The Japan Forum