Shun'ichi's mother, Ayako
Originally from Iheya (the island next to Izena), Ayako is the mother of six boys, including Shun'ichi. She works at the local retirement home. Shun'ichi on his mother: "She's very considerate of others and kind of tege (easy-going)." (Tege is an Okinawan word. It can be used in either a positive or negative sense.) Ayako on Shun'ichi: "He has always been the type to completely absorb himself in something. As long as he doesn't cause harm to others, I think he should try doing whatever he has a mind to. Even if he fails, that's a good experience, too."
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One of my most memorable experiences with Shun'ichi was from when he was in junior high school. I'm sure many kids stay out late, and he used to, too. In an effort to stop him from staying out late, I tore off the door to the kids room so I could see if he was trying to sneak out in the middle of the night.

Shun'ichi is the type to rush recklessly into things. Since he started participating in the Shoen drum troupe, I think his energies have found a positive direction. He'd been saying he wanted to become a singer and songwriter ever since he was in junior high school, so I hope his dream will come true. I think it's great if he's able to continue pursuing what he wants to do regardless of whether he is successful in the business or not.

Q. Are you proud of Shun'ichi?
Q. Before Shun'ichi began talking about becoming a singer, what did you want him to become?
He was still in junior high, so I didn't have any specific ideas yet.
Q. We heard that you feel more comfortable on Izena than on Iheya, where you were born. Why is that?
My family is here, and I've lived on Izena longer than I lived in Iheya. That's why. It's my second home.