Further study or career planning after high school graduation
こうこう そつぎょうご の しんろ

The percentage of high school graduates who go straight into university or junior college is increasing, reaching 45.1% in 2000. There are also many students who continue on to senmon gakko (vocational schools). 《→daigaku shingaku 大学進学 further studies》 《→gakko seido 学校制度 school system》 A significant number also find jobs and begin working as soon as they graduate.

According to a survey conducted by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, 18.6% of high school students who graduated in March 2000 began working. Only 88.2% of those who sought employment, however, were actually able to find regular jobs. According to the Ministry's analysis, this trend is due in part to a shift in the business sector, which now favors university graduates over high school graduates, as well as the effect of changing perceptions concerning work among high school graduates, including a preference for the freer, more diverse options offered by part-time or temporary jobs. These workers who change jobs often are called "freeters." 《→furita フリーター freeters》

A March 1994 Ministry of Labor survey on high school graduates found that up to 43.2% of high school graduates who found jobs quit within three years. In response, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology is now including work experience in the high school curriculum, promoting a form of internship that will help students develop the skills necessary for choosing suitable jobs.

-Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology homepage

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