
【Click Nippon News】 Tips for Teachers: Class Ideas


Click Nippon News January 5, 2017

【1】Another Me Found through My Idol アイドルを通して見つけたもう1人の私

【2】Overcoming the Hurdles in Life 人生のハードルを跳び越えよう


Our focus in this issue is introducing lesson plans created by teachers at high schools in Korea.

【1】Son Jinwon/Noowon High School:Another Me Found through My Idol


The purpose of this lesson is convey orally and in simple sentences how to proactively self-realize your feelings towards your favorite idol. In order to help students comprehend the article and engage smoothly in discussion, two handouts are prepared.

Idols influence their fan's lives in more ways than we might think. As an extension activity, students could think about how they are influenced by their idols, and interview each other. Or students could interview people around them (e.g., parents, teachers) and report their findings to the class.

【2】Jang Ilyeong/Duksung Girls' High School:Overcoming the Hurdles in Life


In this lesson, students choose to read the article in Japanese or Korean, depending on their level of Japanese. This is a good example of effective use of the four-language feature of Click Nippon.

These lesson plans, which have been successfully implemented in classes, can be changed to suit your language, or modified to suit your students' level.

They may give you ideas for creating totally new activities. Please send us lesson plans that you have successfully implemented. We'd love to share them at Click Nippon.





この授業の目的は「好きなアイドルに対する気持ちを積極的な自己実現へ発展させる方法について発表できる」ということ。 読解資料と活動資料を準備し、実際のサイトの記事と併用することで、 内容把握やグループでの話し合いが潤滑に行われるよう、工夫されています。

アイドルは意外といろいろなことに影響を与えています。 アイドルが自分に与えた影響を考え、お互いにインタビューしあうという活動もできますね。 高校生同士で話をするのもいいですが、周りの大人にインタビューして、それをまとめてもいいですね。



このレッスンプランでは、生徒のレベルに合わせてサイトの言語を選択し、記事の内容が初級の生徒にも理解できるように工夫されています。 4ヵ国語で情報が提供されているくりっくにっぽんの効率的な活用例だといえますね。




(c)The Japan Forum