
【Click Nippon News】What do young people do on Mother's Day and Father's Day?


Click Nippon News
May 5, 2016

【1】Mother's Day and Father's Day are coming up in Japan!

【2】Suggested class activities


【1】Mother's Day and Father's Day are coming up in Japan!
In Japan, Mother's Day is the second Sunday in May and Father's Day is the third Sunday in June, but it differs depending on the country. When are they set in your country?
This issue's focus is the articles about Mother's Day and Father's Day.

The timely articles from 《1/365》↓↓

☆Mother's Day Only☆ Rainbow Restaurant by Hinano


Hinano invited her mother to 'Rainbow Restaurant', a pretend restaurant where Hinano and her sister serve home-made dishes to her. How did the dishes turn out?

☆Father's Day gifts by Yuka


Yuka gave her father unique gifts on Father's day, putting lots of her thoughts into them. What were her thoughts?

【2】Suggested class activities

☆Mother's Day Only☆ Rainbow Restaurant by Hinano

a)Why did they postpone their Mother's Day to June?

b)What is their tradition?

c)What are listed in the menu of Rainbow restaurant?

d)Who did Hinano cook with?

e)What kind of conversation do you think they had over the dinner? Create a conversation between Hinano and her mother considering the following points:
・What time was the dinner ready?
・Who was in charge of the bread and the fish? How did they turn out?
・How do you think the mother would have felt that her dinner was prepared by her children?
・How did Hinano feel about the whole experience?

☆Father's Day gifts by Yuka

a)What did Yuka give to her father on Father's Day? List all the gifts.

b)What are 'Helping Tickets'? There are four types. What are they for?

c)What are the reasons why Yuka gives Helping Tickets?

d)When is Father's Day in your country?

☆Suggested activities for both Mother's Day and Father's Day

a)What did you do on either Mother's Day or Father's Day? Tell your classmates in Japanese using ~ o ageru, shite ageru and other appropriate expressions.

b)Interview your father on Father's Day or interview your mother on Mother's Day about their life when they were your age. Then, tell your classmates in Japanese what you found about your parent.
Suggested questions:
・What kind of fashion (or music) were popular then? What kind of fashion (music) did you like?
・What were your favourite subjects at school? What kind of student were you?
・What kind of activities did you enjoy at school? Who was your close friend?
・What were you enthusiastic about in those days?
・What kind of house did you live in? What did you have in your neighbourhood?


☆母の日限定☆虹色レストラン by Hinano


ひなのさんは、母の日に、お母さんを「虹色レストラン」へ招待しました。ひなのさんと妹さんの手作りレストランです! さて、「虹色レストラン」のお料理はいかに?

☆父の日のプレゼント by Yuka




☆母の日限定☆ 虹色レストラン by Hinano






☆父の日のプレゼント by Yuka








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