Playing tag on the roof    2/4  | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |

Elementary school children have 45-minute class periods, with 5 or 20 minutes break in between. During the break, the children often go outside to play or chat in the classroom.

"I’m gonna get you!""Run!"
We are playing kori oni (freeze tag) during recess. In kori oni, whoever loses in janken (rock, paper, scissors) becomes "it." If you are tagged by "it" you have to freeze in place until someone else comes to tag you. If everyone is "frozen," the person who is "it" wins.
Since the school field is small, it’s impossible for all the students at our school to play outside at once. That’s why each grade takes turns using the roof twice a week. The roof is uncovered and surrounded by a metal fence. Wefre not allowed to play with balls on the roof because they might fly over the fence, so that’s why we play games like freezetag.
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