
【Click Nippon News】What's Omotenashi?


Click Nippon News
May 24, 2018

【1】The Power of Hospitality to Make People Happy

【2】Suggested class activities


In 2016, TJF launched a feature entitled "ときめき取材記" on its website. The postings feature interview articles by university students of Japanese-language or other courses dealing with Japan. The articles are based on interviews conducted by students on a topic of their interest. The topics focus on things that foreign students in Japan find puzzling or ask questions about.

Here we introduce an article by three students at Osaka University. The article is rewritten to make it easier to use in the classroom

Related topics
• Japanese-speaking communities
• Cultural life
• Traditional and modern culture
• Exploring our world
• Japanese cultural contributions to the world
• Socializing and connecting with peers
• Communication

【1】The Power of Hospitality to Make People Happy

Yoshido Miki, who is a communications and PR consultant for medium and small enterprises and individuals, talked about Japanese "omotenashi," or hospitality. Do you think that the "omotenashi" she is talking about is specific to Japan?

The abridged article is here. See the handout.

See the original article here.

【2】Suggested class activities

1. Questions to help students' comprehension

a) What is Ms. Yoshido's field of expertise?

b) What is Ms. Yoshido's definition of おもてなし? 

c) What does Ms Yoshido consider important about おもてなし? Why? Support your answer by referring to the text. 

d) What examples of overseas おもてなし did Ms Yoshido use to explain the difference? 

e) What did the students learn from this interview? 

2. Discussion points

f) In your culture, how do people perform おもてなし? Give some examples. 

g) What feelings do people try to express in extending hospitality to others? Is it similar to the Japanese おもてなし? Or is it different?

3. Creative task 

h) Write a blog post (an article/an essay) about your experience of おもてなし or similar situation. Include as many details as you can.






1. 内容確認のための質問

a) 吉戸さんのお仕事は何ですか。

b) 吉戸さんにとっておもてなしとは、どんなことですか。

c) 吉戸さんは、おもてなしには、どんなことがたいせつだと言っていますか。それはどうしてですか。

d) 吉戸さんは、外国では、おもてなしの気持ちをどのようにあらわす、と言っていますか。

e) インタビューをした学生さん達はどんなことを学びましたか。


f) あなたの国には、どんなおもてなしの文化がありますか。そのおもてなしは、どんな気持ちをあらわしていますか。

g) その気持ちは、日本のおもてなしの気持とにていますか、ちがいますか。

3. 表現活動のヒント

h) あなたがけいけんしたおもてなしについてブログ(または記事、エッセイなど)を書いてください。できるだけ、くわしく書いてください。

(c)The Japan Forum