
【Click Nippon News】The Delights of Digital Technology: Hatsune Miku the Vocaloid


Click Nippon News
Aug 17, 2017

【1】How Hatsune Miku Was Born

【2】Suggested Class Activities


【1】How Hatsune Miku Was Born

Have you heard about Hatsune Miku? Hatsune Miku is a leading Vocaloid singer. Vocaloid is a software through which a computer input with lyrics and melody sings songs. How did Sasaki Wataru create Hatsune Miku? The key was product development in which he reflected his clear views of the culture and needs of the market, thinking one step ahead of current trends. His success story tells us something about trends in Japan today. Sasaki wants to have Hatsune Miku introduce the fascination of digital technology.


■ Essence of this article

- Vocaloid software produces a virtual voice synthesized by computer from human voices that has an appeal different from that of a human being.

- The popularity of the "Hatsune Miku" Vocaloid software spread rapidly thanks to the Internet.

- Fans' ways of enjoying "Hatsune Miku" differ from one genre to another, whether it be as a figure, in games, through cosplay, etc.

【2】Suggested class activities

1. Questions to help students' comprehension

a) What is a "Vocaloid"?

b) What are the two words used to coin this new word "Vocaloid"?

c) What kind of voice did Sasaki aim for in Hatsune Miku? Why did he choose it?

d) Why did Sasaki choose the young voice actress Fujita Saki for Hatsune Miku's voice?

e) How was Hatsune Miku's physical character decided?

f) The Hatsune Miku Vocaloid went on to spread rapidly through the Internet. What types of people became her fans?

g) What kind of live Hatsune Miku concerts have been held since 2009?

h) What is the appeal of a Vocaloid distinct from a human voice?

i) What does Sasaki want to create in the future?

j) Why is it important to have some awareness of the systems we are part of and the technology that makes it function?

2. Discussion points

k) Talk with your classmates about what you know about Vocaloid singing.

l) Do you like Vocaloid singing, or dislike it? Explain your reasons and find out what other people feel about Vocaloid.

m) Sasaki says: The response, after Hatsune Miku was released in 2007, was rapid and more successful than expected. I think one reason is that it happened to dovetail neatly with lifestyle changes taking place in Japan at the time.
What kind of lifestyle changes does Sasaki refer to? In your country, are there any similarities to these lifestyle changes among young people? Or is it very different? Discuss young people's lifestyles of your country. Do you think Hatsune Miku dovetails neatly with the lifestyle changes taking place in your country?

n) Sasaki says: Another important factor propelling the success of Hatsune Miku was the expansion of communications infrastructure capable of distributing high-volume data via the Internet.
What does this mean concretely? Explain with some examples. Is there anything similar currently happening in your country?

o) Watch a live concert of Hatsune Miku and share your impressions and opinions with your classmates regarding the following points

i. The voice compared with a human voice
ii. Visual effects such as costumes and choreography
iii. Technology used in the concert
iv. Any specifically Japanese features you noticed

3. Creative task

p) Watch one of Hatsune Miku's concerts. Imagine you went to the concert and write to your friend about your experience.

☆ Related websites

Hatsune Miku Official Blog

Hatsune Miku Live performances

•Magical Mirai


•World is Mine

•miku 2016 vs 2010 comparison (live ai kotoba)




■ この記事のエッセンス





1. 内容確認のための質問

a) ボーカロイドとは何ですか。

b) ボーカロイドとは、何と何の合成語ですか。

c) 佐々木さんは、どんな声を目指しましたか。それはどうしてですか。

d) ボーカロイドの元にする声に、藤田咲さんを選んだのはどうしてですか。

e) 初音ミクのキャラクターの容姿は、どのようにして決まりましたか。

f) 初音ミクは、ネットでどんどん広がりましたが、どんなタイプのファンがいましたか。

g) 2009年以降、どんなライブをやってきましたか。

h) ボーカロイドの声の、人間にはない良さとは、何ですか。

i) 佐々木さんは、これからどんなチャレンジをしていきたいと思っていますか。

j) テクノロジーを意識しながら生きることが、どうして大事なのですか。

2. ディスカッションのヒント

k) ボカロについて知っていることをクラスで話し合ってください。

l) あなたはボカロが好きですか。きらいですか。それはどうしてですか。

m) 佐々木さんは「日本の生活環境にちょうどうまくハマったから、すぐに予想以上の反響があった」と言っていますが、その「日本の生活環境」とはどんなものだと言っていますか。それと比べて、あなたの国の若い人の「生活環境」はどうですか。似ている傾向がありますか。とても違うと思いますか。

n) もう一つのヒットの理由に「ネットの大容量通信インフラの流れに乗っかった」と言っていますが、具体的にどういうことですか。あなたの国でもそのような流れがありますか。

o) ボカロのパフォーマンスを見て、どう思いましたか。感想を話し合いましょう。

i. 声。人間の声と比べてどうか。
ii. コスチュームや動きなど、ビジュアルな面。
iii. 使われているテクノロジーについて。
iv. 日本的だと思う要素はあるか。

3. 表現活動のヒント

p) 初音ミクのライブに行ったと想像して、そのことを友達に知らせる手紙を書いてください。

☆ 関連リンク





•World is Mine

•miku 2016 vs 2010 comparison (live ai kotoba)

(c)The Japan Forum