
【Click Nippon News】How do Japanese high school students spend this season?

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Wishing you all the best for the Holiday Season and a prosperous New Year.




Click Nippon News
Dec.21, 2015

【1】The topics of this month are Winter solstice and Christmas


【2】Suggested class activities



【1】The topics of this month are Winter solstice and Christmas

☆ Feeling warm with Pumpkin and Yuzu citron☆
A high school student introduces some traditional customs that her family practice on the winter solstice. (By Shiu-chan)

☆ Christmas! Generational Differences and Similarities☆
What do you think of when you think of Christmas? Narima asked this question to different generations and summed up their answers.(By Narima)

【2】Suggested class activities

☆ Feeling warm with Pumpkin and Yuzu citron☆

a) What does Shiu chan and her family do on winter solstice? Explain why?

b) Do you and your family do anything special on winter solstice? If you do, explain the meaning of the activity.

c) What tradition do you practice in order to warm yourself up in a cold season? What do you practice in order to cool yourself down in a hot season?

☆ Christmas! Generational Differences and Similarities☆

a) What is Narima's discovery from his investigation?

b) How would you answer this question? Share your ideas with your classmates. Did you see any similarities with Japanese children's answers? Any differences?






クリスマスというと何を思い浮かべますか。いろいろな人に聞いて、答えを世代別にまとめました。(By なりま)




a) シウちゃんは冬至の日、何をしますか。それはどうしてですか。

b) あなたの家庭、あるいは地域社会では、冬至(一年で一番短い日)に何か特別なことをしますか。それにはどんな意味がありますか。

c) 寒い季節に、からだを温めるために、どんな工夫をしますか。暑い季節に、涼しく過ごすために、どんな工夫をしていますか。


a) なりまくんは、世代によってどんな共通点があると言っていますか。

b) あなたの意見はどうですか。クラスメートと話し合ってみましょう。日本の子どもたちの意見と共通点はありますか、相違点はありますか。

(c)The Japan Forum