Jumping rope in the school field    1/4  | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |

Elementary school children have 45-minute class periods, with 5 or 20 minutes break in between. During the break, the children often go outside to play or chat in the classroom.

"Get in!"
We are playing double-dutch in the school field during recess. Double-dutch is a game where two people turn two ropes, and other people jump over the ropes, one by one. Because it’s really hard, the ropes get tangled easily and we can only get about two or three jumps in at one go.
Breaks between classes are usually ten minutes long. The break between the second and third periods is recess, and lasts twenty minutes. During this break everybody goes out to the school field to play soccer, basketball, jump rope, or use the playground equipment.
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