麦拉蘇/通遼市カンチカ第二高校 (中国内モンゴル自治区)
Mai Lasu/Tongliao Ganqika No.2 High School (Inner Mongolia, China)
本人が書いた文/Original text本人原文본인이 쓴 글
The grassland
With my friend
Standing on my hands
Having fun on the basketball court
   ぼくは麦拉蘇です。ヘンな名前だと思うでしょう? ちょっと説明しますね。ぼくはモンゴル族なのですが、ぼくの名前はモンゴル語で「おだやかで、落ちついている」という意味があります。この名前の人は、シダレイトスギの木みたいに、落ちついていてねばり強いのです。ぼくは、広々とした草原に深く青い空が広がり、牛や羊が群れをなす美しい内蒙古の出身です。ぼくは自分が生まれたこの土地が大好きです。みなさん、どうぞ遊びに来てくださいね。草原に住む人たちがあたたかく歓迎してくれるし、草原らしい雰囲気を感じられますよ!


  I'm Me
I am Mailasu. Don't you think this is a strange name? Let me explain. I am of Mongolian descent and my name in the Mongolian language means "gentle and calm." People with this name are calm and tenacious, just like the Chinese weeping cypress. I come from Inner Mongolia where cows and sheep flock together in the vast grasslands under the deep blue sky. I hope everyone can come visit me. We will give you a warm welcome and you can really experience what the great grassland is like!

I am a first year student of Tongliao Ganqika No. 2 High School and am eighteen years old. I am not stunningly cool or talented, but quite tall. I am 183 cm tall, almost as tall as Yao Ming, who plays in the NBA. I weigh 71 kg. That's me in the photo. I am just an ordinary guy. Just like the others, I have many hobbies such as sports, music, getting together with friends, reading, and so on.

I love basketball. I cannot compare myself to Yao Ming with only a height around 180 cm, but I think I play as good as Iverson. My techniques are not as great as Jordan's, but maybe about the same as Bradley. My position is point guard. When I don't play, the opponents often complain "it's boring─better go home and sleep if he is not in the game." I spend a lot of time and practice on the court with friends. As I master the techniques my build also improves. One day I would really like to play against Yao Ming.

Besides basketball, I like to listen to music, but not just to listen. Classical music calms me down and refreshes me, and romantic, emotional songs in the charts cheer me up. I also like to dance, so you can say I am a guy who can sing and dance!

Friends are an essential part of anyone's life. I love to go out with them. I do have many friends. I believe that if you interact with faith they will return the faith to you. With such people, the friendship continues for a long time.

I like to read too. I am interested in books that introduce Japan's culture, its people, or its traditions. Through reading, I found out that Japan is also known as the country of cherry blossoms, it is China's neighbor, and has big cities such as Tokyo, Kyoto, Nara, Osaka, and Nagasaki. I also found out that there are famous sights such as Mount Fuji, Tokyo Disneyland, Saga Prefecture's Kinryu Shrine, Nagasaki's Peace Park and Confucian Temple; therefore, I selected the Japanese language class so I could really understand Japan through learning the language.

After going on to high school I began taking a Japanese class. Ever since then, I participated in various activities related to Japanese. I was very impressed when we planted trees with friends from Japan. We had a great time because we had the same goal to preserve the nature of our earth. In addition, I was able to come in second place in a Japanese speech contest. My Japanese teachers helped and supported me the most. Because of them, I became interested in the language even more.

My family is a happy one with a warm atmosphere. My father is the head of the household and everything he does bears great meaning to us. My mother is a great person both as a wife and mother. She expertly handles various things in the home. My older brother is smart and someone I can look up to. He helps our parents. I am the youngest of the family and the only one who still goes to school. Since my parents are too busy to look after me, they put me in a dormitory so I could be in a better environment to study. I would like to study hard and get good grades so I can return my gratitude to my parents.

Where I come from, there are many Mongolian festivals such as horse racing, wrestling, and archery. Moreover, there is the tomb of the great leader, Genghis Khan. Every year, on March 1, May 15, September 12, and October 3, big festivals take place. Daquinggou Nature Reserve, which is the natural reserve area of China, goes into high season for tourists from June to August. People from all over the world gather here. I invite all of you to visit my homeland. I would like to host friends from different countries with a warm welcome.

When I looked at the photos and text of the Deai students, they reminded me of how much I have studied in the past years. I felt once again that studying was very important to me, and I nurtured great confidence and hope for my future life.



コメント|Comment |评语|코멘트 2006/04/04
Title : 姚明とはりあえそう / 好像能和姚明比个高低
Name : きん/金/Kin Age : 17 Country : 日本/Japan
  • (Translation)
    As might be expected from growing up in the countryside of Mongolia, you seem to be a good athlete. I believe you could compete with Yao Ming in NBA (ha ha). Anyway, you look lively and very energetic and fresh.
  • (翻译)
    好像能和姚明比个高低不愧是在蒙古大自然中长大的,运动神经很超群啊。小麦说不定可以跟 NBA 的姚明比个高低呢 ( 笑 ) 。总之,使人感到充满生机、精力充沛,有一种新鲜感觉。
  • (번역)
    역시 몽고의 대자연 속에서 자라서 운동신경이 뛰어난 것 같습니다. 麦 씨라면 NBA에서 姚明과 대할 수 있는 것 아닐까 생각해요.^^ 암튼 생기 넘치 힘찬게 신선한 느낌이 듭니다.
Title : バスケで対戦してみたい
Name : けんすけ/Kensuke Age : 17 Country : 日本/Japan
  • (Translation)
    My hobbies are dance and basketball, too. I want to play basketball with you (I won’t lose).
  • (翻译)
    我也爱好跳舞和打篮球。我想和你比比打篮球 ( 大概不会输给你 )
  • (번역)
    나도 덴스와 농구가 취미입니다. 농구 한판 쳐보고싶여요.(치지는 않을거에요)

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