クリス/シェーラーエリア高校 (アメリカ ペンシルバニア州)
Chris/Shaler Area High School (Pennsylvania, USA)
本人が書いた文/Original text本人原文본인이 쓴 글
Me playing ice hockey
The city of Pittsburgh
ぼくのしょうらいの夢について話します。そつぎょうごマリン(海兵隊)になるよていです。六月二十日から九月までサウスカロライナ(South Carolina)に行く。そこでトレーニングがある。ブートキャンプはきびしくてたいへんだ。三ヶ月だけマリンをする。そのあとでカリフォルニアに行く。カリフォルニアでサーフィンをしてみたい。サーフィンはたのしそう。カリフォルニアのモントレーで韓国語を勉強する。韓国語は“ハングル語”と言う。そこで四年間勉強した後で家に帰る。大きいパーティをするでしょう。僕はエフビーアイ(FBI)につとめたい。エフビーアイは人のやくにたつ仕事だ。ぼくはその仕事が好きだ。でもしかくは高くてぼくはがんばらなければなりません。
ぼくは五才からずっとピッツバーグに住んでいます。ぼくの町はとてもゆうめいでいいです。でも、ちょっときたないです。ピッツバーグにたくさんつよいチームがあります。パイレッツとペンギンとスチーラーがあります。パイレッツとペンギンとスチーラーの中でいちばんつよいのはスチーラーです。ピッツバーグ人は「スチーラー、がんばりましょう」と言います。今年、スチーラーはとてもちからづよかった。ところで、ぼくの一番好きなせんしゅはトミー・マダクスです。 さて、ピッツバーグはたくさん高いビルがある。ユーエスエクスタワーとピピジビルとメロンビルがあります。ユーエスエクスタワーはピッツバーグの一番高いのビルです。時々、ピッツバーグにビルを見るのが好きで、時々、友だちと車でダウンタウンにビルを見に行く。ずいぶんたのしいです。でも、ホームレスの人をよく見ます。その人たちはとてもへんですよ。ちょっとかわいそうだ。
ひまな時にアイスホッケーをします。アイスホッケーはとてもたのしいです。でも、ずいぶんあぶないです。アイスホッケーのしあいをするからいつもれんしゅうします。れんしゅうはずいぶんタフです。れんしゅうでぼくはあせをかきます。でも、だい好きです。ぼくのコーチはあたまがいいです。アイスリンクでアイスホッケーをします。ぼくのうちから アイスリンクまで二十分くらいです。
ぼくの家ぞくは六人です。りょうしんと兄といもうととおとうととぼくです。母はとてもいそがしい人です。毎日、きょうだいは 「お母さん、たくさんのところにうんてんする」と言います。母はとてもすててきな人で、UPMCでしごとする。父はたのしい人です。ひまな時にたくさんビールを飲んだりフィッシングをしたりテレビを見たりします。父はひこうきのメカニクです。とてもへんな時にしごとする。兄はペンステートの大学に住んでいます。兄はとてもあぶないアクティビティでかつやくする。パーティをしたりスキーボードをしたりマクドナルドで食べたりします。兄の一番のアクティビティはスキーボードです。スキーボードのしあいでかつやくするから、たくさんところにりょこうする。来週、ニュージャーズィにスキーボードのしあいでかつやくするでしょう。いもうととおとうとはつまらなくて、かれらについて、話したくない。

My future
I want to tell you about my future. I'm planning to join the Marines after graduating high school. I will be in South Carolina where training is held from 20th of June to September. Boot camp is very hard. After being a marine for 3 months, I will go to California to surf. Surfing seems so fun. Then I will study Hangul, Korean language in Monterey, California. After spending 4 years there, I will go back home and have a big party. I want to work at FBI which I think is very effective work for people, and I love to do it. I need to work hard in order to qualify, though.
My town
I've been living in Pittsburgh since I was 5 years old. My town is well known as a good town, though it is a bit dirty. There are many good teams in Pittsburgh such as The Pirates, The Penguin, and The Steelers. The Steelers is the strongest among them. People in Pittsburgh say "Go! The Steelers!" The Steelers was very strong this year. My favorite player is Tommy Maddox.
      There are many high buildings in Pittsburgh, such as USX Tower, PPG Building, and Mellon Building. USX Tower is the highest tower. I sometimes go to the downtown with my friends by car to see those buildings. It is so much fun. I frequently see homeless people there. They look queer to me, and I feel sympathy for them.
Ice hockey and I
My name is Chris, but everyone calls me Karim. I was born in Oklahoma and raised in Pittsburgh. I am 18 years old, a senior now. I am a member of school ice hockey team. I've been playing ice hockey since I was 10 years old. I go to the ice skating rink to play ice hockey. I think ice rink is too cold. I practice 4 times a week. Our team is very strong and clever so we win a lot. Our coach is a very funny person. He says to us that you are strong because you practice a lot. Taka-kun plays American football whereas I don't play it. My favorite movie is called Napoleon Dynamite. Napoleon says in the movie that he went to Alaska with his uncle to hunt wolverine last summer.
Ice Hockey
I play ice hockey when I have time. I find ice hockey fun, but it is very dangerous. I always practice in order to participate in a game. Practice is very tough, and I sweat a lot. I love ice hockey. Our coach is very smart. I go to the ice skate rink to practice ice hockey. It takes 20 minutes from my house to get there.
My family
There are 6 people in my family; my parents, big brother, little sister and brother, and I. My mother is very busy. My siblings say that our mother drives to many places everyday. My mother is fantastic and works at UPMC. My father is a happy person. He drinks a lot of beer, goes fishing, and watches TV when he doesn't have work. He is an airplane mechanic. He works at random times. My big brother lives on a campus of Pen State University. He prefers dangerous activities. He also likes having parties, boarding, and eating at McDonald's. His favorite activity is snow boarding. He travels a lot because he plays an important role in boarding games. He will go to New Jersey to take part in a game. There are not so many things to talk about about my little brother and sister.

Through my several encounters with my now infamously known Japanese companion, Taka, I now feel I have a deeper and unprecedented understanding of Japanese custom and society. Many customs pass the bilingual challenge of the Pacific Ocean and turn into interchangeable variables, making it possible for simplistic relations from Japan to America. For instance, Taka plays football and snowboards, two very popular activities the youths in America partake in. Despite the revolutionary similarities, there are some surprising differences. For example, Taka loves to shop, however, in America men who shop in excess quantities may not be considered "as straight as an arrow." Having had the outstanding and linguistically stimulating new comrade, Taka, I have anewed my outlook on the Japanese, as well as intellectually arousing my total outlook on life.

コメント|Comment |评语|코멘트 2006/10/03
Title : アイスホッケーができるなんてすごいですね!
Name : ゆうこ/Yuko Age : 17 Country : 日本/Japan
  • (Original)
    My name is yuko. I am a third year of Totsuka Senior High School. I belong to lacrosse club.
    I hear Chris plays ice hockey . It is terrific!! I want to try it too. Did you have any other sports that you want to challenge?
    My dream is to become a beautician. After graduation I will enter a beauty vocational school. Let's do our best towards our dream each other☆
    I am looking forward an answer♪

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