アスティン/メナーシャ高校 (アメリカ ウィスコンシン州)
Austin/Menasha High School (Wisconsin, USA)
本人が書いた文/Original text本人原文본인이 쓴 글
I love my family very much. My sister can be very annoying a lot of the time but she doesn't bug me as much as she used to. My dad doesn't live with us anymore, he lives another city.
I received my car for Christmas from my mother. It is very fuel-efficient and warms up in the sun because it's black. My car is nice to drive and has no problems. I like my car very much and will keep it until it stops working.
My family's four cats are named Weasel, Coal, Fievel, and Max. My family loves cats and they are my favorite pets. My Family also owns a hamster, dog, and bird.
My family has moved over 13 times and this is the longest we have ever liven in one house. Hopefully we won't have to move again, it looks like we finally found a house we can stay in.
I live on my computer. All my free time is spent playing games and learning how to program or 3D-model. I have over 50 games although I only play a few, all the others are outdated.


  Story of My Life
I was born on April 12th, 1988 in Richmond Virginia. I do not know the time in which I was born but, it doesn't really matter that much. I was born in Richmond about a month early; Richmond was where I was born because the hospital in Fredericksburg didn't have adequate care for children born early. My mom gave me the name Austin, and I was the first-born child.
      As a small child I never cried, I never complained, I never made any loud noise really. On long car rides I wouldn't fall asleep but sit and stare out the windows in silence. I am still this way today; I cannot fall asleep in cars. I was always tall and thin and had really curly hair.
      I always had a fascination with learning, school, and science. When I was a child I would play with legos and play with the VCR trying to figure out how it works. When I was six I received a Super Nintendo for Christmas and I was instantly addicted to video games. My dad would try to get me to like sports but I liked Mario much more. I always loved to have fun and play games so, my family got a computer; Although I didn't understand much about the computer I would continue to use it, learning by myself. Spelling was always a trouble for me while science was always very easy.
      When I was nine my family had already moved about twelve times and my parents told my sister and I that we were going to move. We were moving to Wisconsin after the New Year. We said goodbye to friends and began our trip to Menasha Wisconsin. It was a long trip; our van was full of belongings and our four cats. The cats were really loud and noisy at first but they eventually settled down. We stopped in Michigan for a week to stay with my aunt, and then continued to Wisconsin. I fell asleep in a traffic jam in Chicago and when I awoke, we had just pulled into the driveway of my new home. This house was smaller than the one I used to live in; it was only a block away from the school. The first day I started to make friends with people and everyone was really friendly.
      One of the friends I made was Scott; Scott was a fun friend and he had a computer, his computer was a lot better than mine and I instantly got addicted to the games on it. This made me beg my parents for a computer until eventually they gave me one. I spent endless hours on that computer, playing games and teaching myself how to use it, until eventually I built my own.
      When I was in fifth grade I started to play the trumpet and I still do today. I have become quite good at it and the band went to France and DC in high school. I still have four cat although they are different one's then before; I also have a dog and a hamster. I spend all my time on the computer and I own a car. I have been taking Japanese for eight years and I am at the same level as people who have been taking it for twelve years.

I learned from reading the Deai that kids in different cultures have a wide array of differences. Many people would think that kids here and kids there all do basically the same thing; Deai really makes you notice that there is a huge difference in cultures. One of the main things is that people in Japan seem to have a whole lot more going on in their live, it kind of makes kids here look lazy.


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