ケイティー/エルキンズポイント中学 (アメリカ ジョージア州)
Katie/Elkins Pointe Middle School (Georgia, USA)
本人が書いた文/Original text本人原文본인이 쓴 글
Waking Up
I wake up at 7:15 AM on school days to get ready for 8:15 bus; I am not a morning person, and I love sleeping in my soft, warm bed. As you can probably see from the picture, my room is usually a mess, even though I try to keep it neat.
Japanese Class
This is a picture of me in my Japanese class, dressed in summer kimono alongside Alex and Stephanie. My teacher's name is Johnson せんせい. Our class only has ten people in it, including myself. Now we are leaning about Japanese seasons and activities.
I have a Japanese pen pal named Yuri. It has been a long time since I last wrote her and I am looking forward to her reply. In class, we also do calligraphy on special occasions, which is fun, though I am terrible at it. My favorite kanji is "時" because it is fun to write. I also like the kanji "夢" because it has pretty meaning, Japanese class is always fun.
After lunch I got to band class where I play the clarinet. My band teacher's name is Mrs. Laird; she is a fantastic teacher. Band is a fun class and is the one reason I look forward to going to school; some of the pieces of music we play are difficult and enjoyable to play. However, I am a terrible singer and a horrible clarinet player; sill, I love doing both, despite criticism from others. My favorite song of ones we've played so far is "Copacabana"; last year my band played this song at the annual Flashback concert. Sometimes, my friend Kelsey and I sing the song in the hall, much to the embarrassment of our other friends.
This is a picture of lunch at school. We have lunch from noon to 12:30 PM. I always have an apple and yogurt for lunch, instead of buying school food. My favorite food is apples because of their sweet, juicy taste. My friend Meredith sometimes buys French fries and I sometimes beg a couple off of her or trade for something else.
This is a picture of my science class. My teacher is Mr. Schumaker; he makes science interesting and enjoyable. We do many labs and experiments in class; for example, last week we make ice cream to learn about temperature and states of matter. Still, we usually have to do a lot of homework every night, which is definitely not fun.
I ride the bus to and from school most days. It is usually loud and it is impossible to be heard without shouting. I sit in the very back of the bus; Kathleen and Alex sit to my right across the aisle. Usually I read a book; if I try to do homework, the writing is messy because the bus shakes and bounces so much.
My family eats dinner at about 6:30 PM most nights. There are five people in my family: Daddy, Mommy, Erin, Emma, and me. Sometimes my mom makes Eggplant Parmesan for dinner, which I absolutely despise because it is disgusting. However, my sisters both like it so my mom cooks it often. I, however, refuse to eat it
Irish Dance
Every Saturday morning I got to Irish Dancing. My teacher, Ms. Jessie, is a funny teacher, though she is strict, despite her small size. I love to dance, despite my lack of skill. The dress we have to wear is hot and uncomfortable, but it is pretty and glitters on the stage.
八時から九時までテレビをみます。私のすきなテレビ番組は「CSI」と「LOST」と「Gilmore Girls」と「Joan of Arcadia」です。わたしのいもうとは「The Simpsons」がだいすきです。私もすきです。ときどきポップコーンをたべます。とてもおいしいですが。たくさんたべられません。いもうとはぜんぶたべますから。
Watching TV
From 8 to 9 PM, I watch TV. My favorite television shows are "CSI," "Lost," "Gilmore Girls" and "Joan of Arcadia." My little sister Emma's favorite show is "the Simpsons"; I also like this show, though not as mush as she does. Sometimes we have popcorn, which is delicious. However, my sisters usually eat most of it before I get a chance.

私は本がすきです。わたしの一ばんすきな本はハリーポッターとアズカバンの囚人です。Lemony Snicket と Tamora Pierce がだいすきです。ごご九時半にわたしのベッドで本を読みます。それから、十時半に私はねます。はやいですね。
I love reading before I go to sleep. My favorite book is Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J. K. Rowling, but I love the entire magical series; some of my other favorite authors are Lemony Snicket and Tamora Pierce. I usually read for a half-hour before I go to sleep at ten o'clock, Which is early for most teenagers.


   そのほかには本を読むのも好きです。愛読書はJ.K.ローリングの『ハリーポッターとアズカバンの囚人』で、好きな登場人物はロンです。理由は彼が本当の実力を正しく評価されていないのと、驚くほどユーモアのセンスがあるからです。今はバーバラ・キングソルヴァーの『ポイズンウッドバイブル』という本を読んでいます。これはコンゴに暮らす家族が受容や家族の価値観を学んでいくストーリーではっとさせる内容の本です。ハリーポッター以外で好きなシリーズものではレモニー・スニケットの『世にも不幸なできごと』)やLaurie Faria Stolarzの『Blue is for Nightmares』などです。





  American Girl
December 17, 1990, brought the birth of a baby. Two weeks overdue, I stumbled into the world with my umbilical cord wrapped around my neck, gasping for breath. I was named Catherine Noailles Flynn after my grandmother and great-ant, but there were so many family members named Catherine, they decided to call me Katie. Despite my exciting, though somewhat scary, entrance into life, everyday occurrences in my life are nearly the same as every other American teenage girl.

Ever since participating in a senior's Irish Dancing club with my grandmother, I have loved dance. Though I've decided not to compete anymore and do not dance seriously, I love the freedom and thrill dance provides.

Another one of my favorite activities is reading; my favorite book is Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J. K. Rowling. Ron is my favorite character because he is greatly underestimated and has an amazing sense of humor. Currently I am reading The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingslover, which is an eye-opening story about a family in the Congo learning about acceptance and family values. Some of my favorite series, besides the Harry Potter series, are A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket and the Blue is for Nightmares series by Lourie Faria Stolarz.

At five foot three and 3/4 inches, I'm not the tallest person in my class. But I don't necessarily need a bottom locker. I have dark brown eyes and long dark hair that is impossible to tame; my legs are muscular from years of dance, but I have limited upper body strength. My skin is almost pinkish in color on some days, but darker than some of my friends, owing to my mixed-race descent; I am part-Irish, Polish, Syrian, and probably several others.

After I graduate from college, I want to be a linguist or a translator/interpreter. My specialty will, of course, be Japanese and English, but I would also like to learn some Latin, Spanish, and French. Another thing I am interested in is forensics and criminal justice; one of my favorite television shows is "CSI" and I went to a CSI camp last summer in Boston, Massachusetts. Although my four-year-old dream was to become a veterinarian or doctor, I cringe while watching surgeries and one of my greatest fears is vomit.

Every day is a new adventure in disguise, with choices and experiences around every corner. I look forward to every minute every day brings, even the sever hours a day I spend in school. Though no day could ever be considered typical, the main schedule of my life truly makes me an All-American girl.

After seeing pictures and reading about the every-day life of Japanese students, I realized how similar our basic lives are. Although there are many differences, we all have hobbies, friends, and a dislike for school work. I enjoyed comparing our lives and finding out how much we have in common. I hope other students learn as much from me as I have leaned from them.

コメント|Comment |评语|코멘트 2006/07/04
Title : 共通点がたくさんあると思いました。
Name : みどり/Midori Age : 17 Country : 日本/Japan
  • (Original Text)
    Hello!! I thought that I read the story that Katie wrote, and there were a lot of common points.
    I like reading books and height is low and has played the clarinet in brass band club since I was a junior high school student.
  • (翻译)
Title : 私も音楽と楽器が大好きですっ♡
Name : なみ/Nami Age : 17 Country : 日本/Japan
  • (Original Text)
    Hello, my name is Nami♪ I live in Yokohama. You play music, too!?
    I belong to Brass Band club in senior high school♫ Instrumental is Percussion. The most favorite instrumental is Timpani.
    I love music and Percussion♡
  • (翻译)
Title : 好おもしろそう。会ってみたい
Name : まや/Maya Age : 18 Country : 日本/Japan
  • (Translation)
    You seem interesting. I would like to meet you. I would also like to work as a translator/interpreter.
  • (翻译)
  • (번역)
    케이티 씨 재미있겠다. 만나보고 싶습니다. 저도 언어 와 관련된 일을 하고 싶습니다.
Title : 好きな本とか身長とか悩みがいっしょ
Name : コー/Ko Age : 17 Country : 日本/Japan
  • (Translation)
    I have the same tough birth experience, favorite books, height, worries, and hopes for foreign language. I can't believe we are strangers!
  • (翻译)
  • (번역)
    테어날 때부터 어려웠다는 것이나 좋아하는 책, 키, 고민, 하고 싶은 외국어가 저랑 똑같습니다! 케이티 씨는 남같이가 않아요.

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