アレックス/エルキンズポイント中学 (アメリカ ジョージア州)
Alex/Elkins Pointe Middle School (Georgia, USA)
本人が書いた文/Original text本人原文본인이 쓴 글
Dance: This picture was taken at the eighth grade dance "Lost on Elkins Island." Chelsea, Kelsey, Taylor, Meredith, Kathleen, Katie, and I are in the picture. It was decorated like an Island. I had fun with all of my friends. Everybody had a good time dancing. There were many pretty dresses the girls at the dance got. The eighth grade teacher came and they also looked very nice. The dance was incredibly fun.
本:えいごのクラスで「To Kill a Mockingbird」をよんでいます。「リーディングサークル」があります。「リーディングサークル」とはいっさつの本をかくしょうごとこうたいでよみます。「リーディングサークル」のメンバーはそれぞれ本からちがうえをかきます。クラスの中で本のないようをはなします。「To Kill a Mockingbird」はいい本です。そして「リーディングサークル」はたのしいです。「To Kill a Mockingbird」がすきです。
Books: I am reading To Kill a Mockingbird for my language arts class. We have reading circles for this book. Reading circles are when you have a book to read and you have to read a certain number of chapters per night. Each group member has a different job, such as drawing a scene from the book, finding similes and metaphors, or just making questions to discuss in the meetings. To Kill a Mockingbird is a good book and the reading circles are a fun thing to do. I am reading To Kill a Mockingbird in this picture and all of my favorite books are around me.
おしばい:はっぴょうのまえにさいごれんしゅうをしています。-クラスはDr. Seussの「Oh, the Places You'll Go」をします。二クラスは寝る役をします。女の子はいいです。ニッキーとマデイソンとジャックリンとケイトリンです。
Drama: We are preparing for our final performance in drama. For one class we are acting out the book "Oh, the Places You'll Go" by Dr. Seuss. In the other class we are doing a sleepover where we talk about school stuff, such as homework, teachers, and other school related things. Drama is very fun, and I get along with the other girls in my class. The other girls are Niki, Madison, Jacqueline, and Kaitlyn. All of us enjoy acting and working on skits.
クラリネット:クラリネットのれんしゅうをします。「Sovereign Variants」はむずかしいです。コンテストで「Sovereign Variants」と「New Castle March」と「Regenisis」をひきます。わたしのがっこうは「superior」をもらいました。
Clarinet: This picture was taken in my room when I was practicing my clarinet for school. Each week for school you have to turn in a practice sheet with the number of minutes you practiced that week. The piece I was practicing was Sovereign Variants which is one of the pieces our band is playing for festival. Festival is when you compete against other bands for a rating 1 is best and 4 being the worst. Our band every year has gotten a superior rating which is a 1, the best.
Me: My name is Alex and I am 13 years old. I have a younger brother and an older sister. I have 3 fish and 1 turtle. This is my 4th year taking Japanese. I am in 8th grade at Elkins Pointe Middle School. I have many hobbies and many friends. I like to eat ice cream and pizza. My friends and I play hide-and-seek in my backyard. I have a huge backyard. We play when it is pitch black outside. I also love scary movies. I am an active person and I like many things.
   あと、わたしは去年ぐらいから読書量が増えました。今はランゲージアーツの課題で『アラバマ物語』を読んでいます。特にお気に入りはシリーズもので、ハリー・ポッター、『ロード・オブ・ザ・リング』、『The Clique』、『プリンセス・ダイアリーズ』、少女探偵ナンシー・ドリュー、『Blue is for Nightmares』、『世にも不幸なできごと』、『The Summer of Sisterhood』(アン・ブラッシェアーズ著 邦題(『トラベリング・パンツ』『セカンド・サマー』)『Eragon』(クリストファー・パオリーニ著 邦題『エラゴン─遺志を継ぐ者』)などです。『Eragon』の続編は8月に、ハリー・ポッターの6冊目も7月に発売予定なので楽しみにしています。おもしろければどんなものでも読みます。好きなタイプの本はやはりミステリー、ファンタジーとゆかいなコメディーものだと思います。読書は大好きで、読まない日がないぐらいです。


  What I Do For Fun
There are many things I do for fun. I enjoy all the activities I do. I play the clarinet in my school band. Acting is another activity that I like to do, so I take drama lessons. A fun thing that everyone liked was going to our school dance. I also love reading, and I have read many books. There are many other things I do for fun, but these are some of my favorites. These activities are my favorites because they are the activities I do most often.
      I've been playing clarinet since sixth grade. The clarinet has been very challenging for me. I got into the symphonic band in seventh grade. The symphonic band plays more challenging music and we also go on a band trip. Last year, in seventh grade, we went to Gatlinburg, Tennessee. I am in the eighth grade this year and I got into the symphonic band again. This year we are planning to go to Nashville, Tennessee. Also every year in the symphonic band we have the flashback concert. The flashback concert is when we play music from the 60's, 70's and 80's. If the students have parents who played an instrument while they were in school, they can also play in the flashback concert. There are most of the things we do in band.
      I have always liked acting, ever since I saw my first movie, "Now and Then." This movie inspired me because Christina Ricci was a very good actress. I took my first drama class in fifth grade. I am now in drama class at my sister's dance school. I am in two drama classes there, and they are both thirty minutes long once a week. In both classes we are preparing for our final performance.
      Our eighth grade dance was on the eleventh of February. I had lots of fun because all of my friends were there. There was a lot of dancing and food. I took a few pictures. Everybody looked really nice in their outfits. The theme for the dance was "Lost on Elkins Island." I suppose they picked that theme because of all the new reality shows on TV.
      I have read many books, especially in the last year. Right now I'm reading To Kill a Mockingbird for my language arts class. I have read a bunch of books that are a part of a series. Some of my favorites are Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, the Clique series, Princess Diaries, Nancy Drew, Blue is for Nightmare series, The Series of Unfortunate Events, The Summer of the Sisterhood series, and Eragon. The sequel to Eragon is coming in August and the sixth Harry Potter book is coming in July. I will read any type of book as long as it interests me. My favorite types of books to read are mysteries, fantasy, and humor. I love to read books, it is an activity I do daily.
      The activities I do most often are playing my clarinet, taking drama lessons, going to school events, and reading books. I also play soccer, which is a fun game. I enjoy my life and I have done many fun things. I hope to continue doing all of these wonderful things and do more great events. I wouldn't change my life because it's full of obstacles and I love every minute of it.

What I thought about that project is that even though some of the kids have disabilities they still went on with their normal lives. They would play video games and hang out with their friends just like us. They would have after school activities and play sports just like us. However it did seem that they worked harder at their schoolwork than we do. They live just like we do and we do many of the same activities. Overall I thought that we are pretty much the same with a few small differences.

コメント|Comment |评语|코멘트 2007/07/20
Title :
Name : 利奈/Rina Age : 18 Country : 日本/Japan
  • (Original)
    Hello!! My name is Rina.
    I'm a 3rd year student of high school.
    I'm a member of brass band club, and I play the clarinet too!
    I think you are great to do it since the age of an elementary school!!
    I hope you can go on playing the clarinet even if you have a lot of concerts and you need to practice hard for them.
Title :
Name : 早希/Saki Age : 18 Country : 日本/Japan
  • (Original)
    Hello! My name is Saki.
    I am a twelfth grader going to Totsuka Senior High School in Japan.
    I read a Harry Potter too. It is very interesting.
    A movie does it now in Japan. I will go watch the movie.
    In addition, Spider-Man is good.
    Does Alex like the movie, too?
Title : スポーツをしますか
Name : Lauren Age : 17 Country : USA
  • (Translation)
    Hello! My name is Lauren. Dance is fun. I like to read books, and now I’m reading Atlantis Found. My favorite book is Harry Potter. I used to play the piano, but now I play the guitar and hand bells. How are you? I like to watch movies and I’ve seen a lot. My favorite is “The Breakfast Club.” I also cross country ski. Do you do any sports? I have a cat and fish. What are the names of your fish and turtle?
  • (翻译)
Title : My name is Alex, too / わたしもアレックスです
Name : Alex/アレックス Age : 13 Country : USA/アメリカ
  • (Original text)
    My name is Alex too, and I am 13 and I also play the Clarinet! How cool is that? What state do you live in? Could you post it on your page? Maybe we could become pen pals somehow!!
  • (翻译)
  • (번역)
    저도 알렉스가는 이급입니다. 지금 13살이고 저도 클라리넷을 하고 있습니다. 정말 대단한 우연이죠!! 알렉스는 어디서 사는거에요? 가르쳐주세요. 우리 팬팔될 수 있을 지도 몰라요!
Title :
Name : えみ/Emi Age : 18 Country : 日本/Japan
  • (Original text)
    Hello. I am Emi in the 12 grade of Totsuka high school in Japan. I found your self introduction. I play brass band too. I play the flute. Practice is difficult but concerts are very fun. You have many different hobbies. I think that’s great. Life is very difficult when you have so many hobbies, isn’t it? I think you are busy. But do your best.
  • (翻译)
  • (번역)
    안녕하세요. 저는 일본 도쓰카 고등학교 3학년 에미라고 합니다. 만18살입니다. 알렉스의 자기소개를 읽었습니다. 저도 벤드 하고 있었습니다. 악기는 플룻입니다. 연습은 힘들 때도 있지만 연주회 같은 거 정말 재미있지요!!

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