オリビア /ヘイゼルウルフ高校 (アメリカ ワシントン州)
OliviaHazel Wolf High School (Washington, USA)
本人が書いた文/Original text本人原文본인이 쓴 글
This is one of my friends from archery in Japan in front of our school.
My host family in front of our house the day before I returned to the U.S
I went to Tokyo Disneyland with my friend.
I put on my friend's yukata. It was a lot of fun!
This is my school's kyudo dojo (practice arena). This picture was taken during the formal game we had at the beginning of each practice.

今日は、私の名前はオリビアです。ワシントン州シアトルに住んでいます。17歳で私立の小さなヘイゼルウルフという高校の2年生です。私は一人っ子で 良い両親と親戚がいます。犬一匹と猫一匹がいます。私の好きなことは本をよむことと、ダンスすることと、動物に世話をすることと、音楽を弾くことです。お気に入りの本はファンタジーです。例えばハリポッターとかタモラピアスの本が好きです。ずっと小学校の4年からアイリシュダンスをしてて、その他はバレエもジャズもしたことがあります。今サルサが好きです。バイオリンとピアノとギタを弾けます。今一番好きのはピアノです。




まだ、何になりたいのか分かりません。大学に行くつもりですが、何が勉強をしたいのかわかりません。けれど、化学や、心理学や、哲学が好きです。日本語を話したり、旅行にも行きたいです。日本とヨーロッパと南アメリカに行こうと思っています。やりたいことがたくさんあるので自分の目的が まだ分かりません。何をするにしても面白くて楽しいことをしたいと思っています。


  My Exchange Student Experience in Japan
About myself

Hello, my name is Olivia, and I live in Seattle, Washington. I'm a junior student in Hazel Wolf High School, a small private school. I'm an only child and have wonderful parents and relatives. I have a dog and a cat. I like reading, dancing, taking care of my pets, and listening to the music. My favorite genre of book is fantasy, and I like Harry Potter and Tamora Pierce. I've been doing Irish dance since I was a 4th grader in an elementary school, and also danced ballet and jazz. I like salsa now. I can play the piano and guitar. Playing the piano is what I love best.

My experience as an exchange student in Japan

I lived in Japan as an exchange student from August to February. I hadn't had an experience of being away from home for such a long time before, so it was a totally new experience to me. In the beginning, I got very homesick and wanted to go back to the US. I couldn't understand what people were saying and got bored. I couldn't get along with my host family so I moved to a new host family's house. My life became better gradually since then. I started to be able to understand Japanese a little but still couldn't speak well. I liked my new host family and got new friends at school. I joined a Japanese art of archery club in November. Archery changed my life. I liked going to practice and made many friends through an archery. Though practice was hard, it was the greatest challenge. Archery soothed my feelings and made me relax. It was very hard for me to get used to a new culture, but after joining the archery club, I felt good and didn't want to go back to the US. I liked my host family and friends. I cried on the last day of school. I didn't want to say good bye to my friends and quit archery. My friends gave me flowers and took me to Karaoke on the last day. It was painful to say good bye, but I think studying abroad was a fabulous experience so I still remember it clearly. I learned about the world and myself, and those things I learned from study abroad are useful in my life. Studying abroad was the best achievement in my life.

My future

I haven't had any idea what to do in the future yet. I'm planning to go to college, but haven't decided what to study there. I like Chemistry, Psychology, and Philosophy. I want to speak Japanese and travel to Japan, Europe, and South America. Since I have many things that I want to do in the future, I haven't seen my aim yet. Whatever it is, I want to do something exciting and interesting.

I really enjoyed reading about all of the students in the Deai. They were all very different, but had certain things in common. They all seemed very mature, and I got the sense that they all wanted to lead meaningful lives. I especially liked Yoshida Kojiro. He was very inspiring in a calm way, and he is so cute!! I could really identify with his love of animals also. It was a good experience to read these essays, I feel like I learned a lot and some of the people reminded me of my friends in Japan.


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