テ-/デュランゴ高校 (アメリカ ネバダ州)
Tae/Durango High School (Nevada, USA)
本人が書いた文/Original text本人原文본인이 쓴 글
This photo was taken when I went to Japan as a little kid. It was taken in front of a castle somewhere but I don't really remember anything from that time. (On the left is my elder brother and I am on the right)
This is a picture of me as a fourth-grader when I first came to America. This was also the first time that I left my parents to go traveling but since I was with my aunt and uncle who are very nice, it was all good. Behind us is the Grand Canyon (a huge valley) National Park. (On the left is my elder brother and I am on the right)
This is also a photo from when I went to America. On the way back from my travels, I saw a big, weird rock and took a picture of it. I have no idea why it was there. (On the left is my older brother and on the right is me).
This is a recent photograph of my parents. I took this picture in our garden where the flowers were blooming. I took this picture with an old digital camera so there is something strange about it.
My seven Japanese 4 language class friends, our respected teacher, and I took a photo together. In this photo there is a stone monument that has the school's name on it. It is sort of a symbol of the school. (I am on the far right).
家族 (過去と現在)
   そしてようちえんのころから中学三年生の時まで韓国に住んで毎日あそんだりべんきょうもたくさんしました。韓国の学校はアメリカの学校とちがって日本の学校のようにむずかしくてたいへんでした。   それに私が韓国で高校に行ったら朝七時から次の日の朝一時までべんきょうしないといけませんでした。でも父方のかぞくはみんなここ(ラスベガス、ネバダ州)に住んでいましたから私のかぞくもひっこして来ることになりました。
私は 今から四年前にアメリカに来て高校一年生から始めました。さいしょは私も英語がかなり下手でしたから ここの学校になれるのにたいへんでした。でも私みたいな生徒のためにELLと言うプログラムが有ってやさしい先生から英語をならいました。さいしょの二年間の数学は私にとってとてもやさしいものでしたが今は微積分(Calculus)でちょっとむずかしくなりました。しゅくだいも多くてしにくいものです。



  My Life
Family (past and now)

Hello, my name is Tae. I was born in Korea and raised there. My father's work was relevant to ships so he took me to foreign countries such as Japan and Australia when I was a baby. However, I remember nothing about it therefore I need to see pictures to bring back the memories.
      I lived in Korea until I was a 3rd grader in Junior high school. I enjoyed studying and playing everyday. Unlike schools in America, ones in Korea are very hard and busy. They were like Japanese schools. If I went to Korean high school, I'd have to study from 7 a.m. to 1 a.m. My family moved to this place, Las Vegas in Nevada because a relative on my father's side lived here.
      There are 4 people in my family: my father, mother, big brother, and I. My parents can't speak English fluently, but they work hard as casino dealers for us. Since they work at night, my brother and I don't have much time to talk to them. So I often get into a quarrel with them, but I always know that I am wrong and regret it.
      My brother goes to a college near our house. He is so smart as to be often called a genius by other people. Though he had a hard time when he first came to America, he manages well in his college now. Even though his reputation is very good, I don't care much about it because I think that I need to differentiate his life and my life.
      I am 18 years old, a senior. I do the paper route as a part time job. Although waking up at 1 in the morning and working for 4 hours is tough, earning money is exciting. Since I started this job, I started having a sleeping problem, so I'm planning to quit now.

My School Life

I came to America 4 years ago and started from high school. It was very hard for me to adjust myself to school because I couldn't speak English very well. There was a program called ELL for students like me, and it helped me learning English. The first 2 years, Math was very easy for me but now it is Calculus and that is a bit difficult. I have a lot of difficult homework.
      Since you learn basic Japanese like easy verbs in JapaneseⅠ, I started taking Japanese Ⅱ instead of Ⅰ. Now I'm taking Japanese Ⅳ where only 7 students are present We learn many Kanji, do verbs, translate Japanese news into English, and read Deai in the class. Our teacher is a humorous and gentle Caucasian who is married to a Japanese.
      I learned Physics, Chemistry, and Biology in a Technology class. I like Chemistry best. My parents told me that chemistry was very important because they want me to become a doctor. I joined various clubs in school before, but I don't belong to anything now because I am too busy.


I do many things with a computer. I play a game or read manga in my room. Watching Japanese animation is so much fun. I even joined an animation club when I was a sophomore and a junior. I learn Japanese and try to think about Japan through watching Japanese animation. However I've never talked with Japanese people so I don't know if my Japanese is good. I sometimes think it will be nice to have Japanese friends some day.

We, the students in JapaneseⅣ, study Japanese with Deai once a week. After seeing many Deai, we make questions and try to understand the contents of Deai. There are many unfamiliar Kanji or words in Deai that makes it feel difficult. I appreciate that learning sentences is wonderful and find it interesting to learn the new Katakana.
      The people in Deai are funny. They are not only normal Japanese students but also peculiar or I'd rather say odd people in there. For instance a student who likes sports, Japanese Korean, or a student who devotes himself to study. We learn about various lives and dreams of people and family relationships in Japan through reading Deai. I'm looking forward to reading further.

コメント|Comment |评语|코멘트 2007/07/20
Title :
Name : 佳穂/Yoshiho Age : 17 Country : 日本/Japan
Title :
Name : アレクス Age : 18 Country : USA

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