マーク/ミラニ州立高校 (オーストラリア クイーンズランド州)
Mark/Mirani State High School (Queensland, AUSTRALIA)
Mark (マーク)Mirani (ミラニ) 高中 (澳大利亚昆士兰州)
本人が書いた文/Original text本人原文본인이 쓴 글
Waterpolo: I play water polo for our school but I'm not very good. Our school team is the strongest in the district but we focus on having fun.
School dance: Many of our younger students enjoy the school dances, I took this photo for our school magazine.
Swimming Carnival: These students are in the Orion team at swimming carnival. Our inter school teams are named after constellations. Students dress up in team colours.
Farm: Sometimes I work on the farm to help my father, either working with the sugar cane or rounding up the cattle.
Cupid: I dressed up as Cupid the Roman god of love for the Valentines Day dance. Everyone wanted to wear my wings or use my bow.


   My life in the bush – seize the day
Finishing school is a big step for any student, regardless of which nation they belong to. My story has no real beginning or end to it, but high school has provided it with some fond memories. My name is Mark and I am an Australian student in my last year of high school and the vice captain of Mirani High School.
      My Japanese teacher Futamura sensei has taught me not only Japanese but lessons on life. Last year Futamura sensei told our class a Japanese saying which mean live in the now and to have no regrets. I have lived in the now and tried my best at school since grade eight, the first year of high school. In grade eight I remember the senior leaders encouraged me to gain new experiences and now that I am the vice captain I do the same.
      By getting involve in the many fun activities the school has to offer I have made many friends and have many fond memories. The highlights of my years at high school include the school musicals where I play the role of Dracula's son and Tarzan the Jungle man, swimming carnivals, sports carnival and the school dances. Our school dances are where many boyfriends and girlfriends first meet. The last school dance was a Valentines Day dance so I decided to dress up a Cupid to suit the occasion. I always take many pictures of the school dances because I am a journalist and editor for our school year book. In the future I want to be a journalist, especially one that gets to travel, this way I get to experience new cultures at first hand.
      These activities are important to our school because unlike in the big cities, students don't get to see their friends after school due to the great distances between them. Some students travel 200km per day to get to school. There are no game centers, no way to get to the shopping centers (department stores) and the movies. Most of our students live around 60km away from the nearest town. Because there is little to do outside school many young people move away from the country to the large cities. I too will have to move to one of the capital cities if I want to go to a good university. The capital city for Queensland, the state I live in is about 1000km away. I wish I could stay in the country but to get a well paying job I cannot.
      Our high school takes students from seven primary schools. My primary school had only sixty students in it and my grade had only eight students. In primary school I started learning Japanese on the telephone because the Japanese teacher had to teach two small schools at the same time. I loved to learn a new language and discover a new culture.
      In the future I hope to travel the world so that I may learn about people and thier language so I can record their stories. I hope that my writings help people to gain a greater understanding of a different culture. If people seize the day, their stories become so much more interesting and full of happy memories.

This year Futamura sensei ordered the Deai materials and they showed me the many sides of Japanese life. Before Deai it was hard for me to understand some aspects of Japanese life. However I do identify with one of the Deai students, Sakai Michi. She lives on a dairy farm out in the rural area of Japan and I live on a sugar and cattle farm in the rural area of Australia. My first impression of the photo where Sakai is standing on the grassy plain is how open and large the sky looked. This reminded me of the beautiful greens hills on my friend's dairy farm. His farm is on top of a mountain that overlooks the Pioneer Valley where I live. It looks a bit like the Kushiro Wetlands where Sakai lives. I work on the farm occasionally but I have to study in order for me to enter the university of my choice. In this way Japanese and Australian students are very similar because of the many hours of study and hard work required to get good marks. I hope to meet Japanese students so that I may teach them about my school life and they teach me about theirs.



コメント|Comment |评语|코멘트 2006/10/25
Title: オーストラリアにも行きたいです
Name : ワダキビ Age : 17 Country : 日本
  • (Original text)
    Hello. I’m Dai Watabiki from in Japan.!
    Now, I enyoying last hight school life too. I like a journey, so I went to many places.
    There are many beautiful places in Japan. I haven’t ever been to foreign countries. But I wont to go to Australia.
Title: 大学で何をべんきょうしますか?
Name : Morgan Age : 18 Country : U.S.A.
  • (Original text)
    Hi! My name is Morgan and I will be attending college next year. I see that you are in college now, what are you studying? I am planning on studying business.
    Do you play any sports other than water polo? I don’t play sports but I take dance.
Name : Mark Age : 18 Country : AUSTRALIA
  • (Original text)
    It was a while since I wrote this essay. I am now in university in the national capital of Australia, Canberra. Thank you for you comments. I have made many friends from all over the world here at university, so I have gotten to hear many different stories. I encourage anyone using the Deai materials to write an Photo Essay, it really reveals things about yourself.
  • (翻译)
Name : きん/Kin Age : 17 Country : 日本/Japan
  • (Translation)
    By looking at your photo essay, we know you aren’t just a leader, but also a mood maker, like when you became “cupid.” I was impressed by the lively picture of you and your friends, and of you helping on your father’s farm.
  • (翻译)
Title:横浜に住んでいる、優希です♪/I’m Yuuki I live in YOKOHAMA
Name : 優希/Yuuki Age : 18 Country : 日本/Japan
  • (Original text)
    Hello!! I’m Yuuki I live in YOKOHAMA to JAPAN. I belong to the IEAC(International Exchange Activity Club), DANCE club. All the friends of club are kind. Since club is graduation, it will be lonely soon. YOKOHAMA is a city. But I want to live the country. Because I like nature. I like trip!! Some time I want to trip in AUSTRALIA.
  • (翻译)

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