No. tjf_edu2a04b
Club Activities
Activity 4: If I Went to a Japanese High School...

Date: Country: Author (copyright): Themes:
2001/11 n/a The Japan Forum
School and Education
Students imagine if they studied abroad in Japan whether they would join a club, and if so, what kind of club they would choose, and how they would participate, etc.

Presumed class profile
Level of Japanese-language Japanese 2, 3, 4
Grades and Ages Grade 10-12, Age 15-17, Secondary
Optimal number of students 10-20
Text book used n/a
Required language skills n/a
Others n/a

Points to be studied
Language objectives
Function Structure Vocabulary words/phrases
Express preferences regarding club activities. もし日本の高校に留学したら、〜部に入りたいです。
Cultural objectives
Target Process Aim
Club activities at Japanese high schools (Practices, perspectives) Adjustment and interaction To gather information about club activities in Japan (referring to the reference materials, the Mini Encyclopedia, etc.), and think about the type of club they would join and the activities they would like to participate in if they studied at a Japanese high school.

Activity type
Activity type Mode Oral/written Who
Narrative and description Interpersonal, Presentational Written Individual, Whole Class

From the Deai photo sheets From the Deai text booklet Other materials
n/a n/a Worksheet #5, "A Day in the Life: Club Activities", Reference Materials

Duration 45 minutes (Fourth in unit of five classes)