Activity 8: Critical Thinking about Japanese Families
Date: Country: Author(copyright): Themes:
2002/3 US Takahashi Megumi, Kiyozuka Chiho, Kubota Ryuko Self, Family, Friends
The students will deepen insight about Japanese family as a cultural summary of the unit, by analyzing both traditional and modern Japanese families by using Bloom's Taxonomy.
Presumed class profile
Level of Japanese-language Japanese 1
Grades and Ages Grade 9-12, Age 14-18, Secondary
Optimal number of students 25
Text book used Kisetsu 1: Haruichiban
Required language skills Novice-low in ACTFL Proficiency Guideline (finished 90 hours of instruction)
Others n/a

Points to be studied
Language objectives
Function Structure Vocabulary words/phrases
n/a n/a n/a
Cultural objectives
Target Process Aim
Japanese family (Products, practices, perspectives) Comparison, examination The students will deepen insight about traditional and modern Japanese families through Deai families. They examine 1) factors that have impacted transition of Japanese family structures, 2) benefits and demerits of extended and nuclear families, 3) diversity of families in Japan, and 4) roles of each family member in Deai families.

Activity type
Activity type Mode Oral/written Who
Teacher demonstration, interview and survey, discussion Interpersonal, Presentational Oral, Written Small Group, Whole Class

From the Deai photo sheets From the Deai text booklet Other materials
MY-P06, MY-P07, MY-P08, OK-P08, OK-P09, SM-P09, TS-P08, TS-P09, TS-P10, YK-P06, YK-P07, YT-P09, YT-P11, YY-P08, YY-P09, YY-P10 n/a - Worksheet #7: Cubing Activity Sheet, - Five sheets of large paper

Duration 60 minutes (12th day of the unit)