Did you only choose good kids for your seven students?  No.29


Did you only choose good kids for your seven students? They all seem to have dreams and motivation, but not all high school students are like that.

Muronaka     2003/04/04/18:07:53   No.32

Our main concern was to keep a balance among the students’ regions, genders, types of school, etc. We didn’t know to begin with what the students’ personalities or future dreams would be. Only after interviewing them one by one did we begin to understand those things. Through the interviews we also realized that, no matter which high school students we chose to be the Deai students, once we delved into their life stories, each would have their own dramas and thoughts and each would have wonderful aspects that would shine through. If you read the My Story sections, you’ll see that each of the seven students has experienced their share of anxieties, frustrations, and setbacks in life.

Although the My Story texts and photograph captions are based on the students’ real life stories, we have tried to be discreet in releasing information in the Deai Kit and the Deai Website that could be damaging to the students or to the people in their lives. In order to protect the students’ privacy, we have removed any content that they did not want published. All seven students have also been given pseudonyms for the purposes of Deai.


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