
【Click Nippon News】Let's dance Yosakoi


Click Nippon News
March 16, 2017

【1】Dancing Together: Yosakoi

【2】Suggested class activities


【1】Dancing Together: Yosakoi

"Yosakoi" is a kind of group dancing based on folk songs that spread throughout Japan in the 1990s. A traditional performing art was reborn as a new type of dancing by young people. Yosakoi is also becoming popular overseas. Two dancers of a university yosakoi dance group talk about the special features and attraction of yosakoi dancing.

■ Essence of this article

• Rikako says she was not good at dancing before joining the club, but was attracted by the style of dancing measured not by the performance of each individual but by the way everyone worked together.

• When Yusuke first joined, he had no experience dancing, and danced in the back row, out of sight. But after dancing at festivals several times, he found he wanted to improve his dancing and be more in the forefront of the dancers.

• Rikako says that before she joined the club, her interests were always shifting from one thing to another, but after discovering yosakoi, she realized she had to take it seriously so as not to cause trouble for the others, so she has developed a greater sense of responsibility.

• The appeal of yosakoi dancing is that it is so enjoyable for both the dancers and the audience.

【2】Suggested class activities

1. Questions to help students' comprehension:

a) What kind of dancing is yosakoi?

b) What are the two conditions that yosakoi has to fill?

c) Yusuke says that Hibiki is actually a "hybrid yosakoi team." What does he mean by that?

d) Gather information about Hibiki from this article.
When was it officially founded?
How many members does it have?
What is the ratio of men to women in Hibiki?
How often and how many hours a week do they practice?

e) What motivated Yusuke and Rikako to join Hibiki?

f) How have Yusuke and Rikako changed or grown after they joined Hibiki?

g) What do Yusuke and Rikako say is important for the future of Hibiki? What views do they have in common?

2. Discussion points:

h) Do you think many members of Hibiki are highly motivated? Why do you think so?

i) Have you seen a yosakoi performance in your country? What was your impression?

j) Why do you think that yosakoi has become so popular?

k) Have you ever participated in a group performance, for instance dancing, a play, and a concert? Describe how your team or group practiced. What was the most challenging? Do you think you changed or matured as a result of the performance?

3. Creative activities:

l) Which would you prefer, dancing alone or dancing in a group? Explain your reasons.

m) Try dancing soran bushi in class, using the training video.

☆Performances of Hibiki
• 2016 Tokyo Yosakoi, Hibiki

• 2015 "Kyokko" (Aurora), Hibiki

• 2016 Hamakoi, Hibiki

☆Training videos
• Nanchuu Soran

• Soran bushi for practice in schools










1. 内容確認のための質問

a) よさこいとはどんなダンスですか。

b) 満たさないといけない二つの条件をあげてください。

c) 響は'ハイブリッドよさこいチーム'だと言っていますが、どういう意味ですか。説明してください。

d) 響について、この記事からわかることをまとめてみましょう。

e) 優輔さんと梨香子さんは、何に魅かれてよさこいのサークルに入りましたか。

f) 優輔さんと梨香子さんは、よさこいのサークルに入って、どのように変わった、あるいは成長したと言っていますか。

g) 優輔さんと梨香子さんは、響の将来に何が大切だと思っていますか。二人に共通している大切なことは何ですか。

2. ディスカッションのヒント

h) 響のメンバーは、やる気のある人が多いと思いますか。どうしてそう思いますか。

i) あなたの国や町で、よさこいのパフォーマンスを見たことがありますか。どんな感想を持ちましたか。

j) よさこいソーランはなぜここまで人気になったと思いますか。

k) あなたは、ダンスや演劇、コンサートなど、グループで何かパフォーマンスをしたことがありますか。どんなふうに練習をしましたか。何が一番難しかったですか。パフォーマンスをやった後、やる前に比べて、自分は変わったと思いますか。

3. 表現活動のヒント

l) 一人で踊るのと、グループで踊るのと比べると、あなたはどちらのほうをやりたいですか。それはどうしてですか。

m) 練習用ビデオを参考に、ソーラン節をクラスで踊ってみましょう。

• 2016第17回 東京よさこい 響

• 東海大 響 2015 極光 建学祭2015

• 東海大学 響②@2016 ハマこい

• 南中ソーラン【練習用動画】

• ソーラン節 練習用 小学校高学年向け 2010年版

(c)The Japan Forum